Rocks for Jocks (Geology 101, or an easy college science course)
"Rocks for Jocks" is an introductory geology course, one taken by "jocks" (student athletes) that is supposedly easy to get a good grade and keep the students eligible to play…
"Rocks for Jocks" is an introductory geology course, one taken by "jocks" (student athletes) that is supposedly easy to get a good grade and keep the students eligible to play…
A "rubber room" originally meant a room walled with rubber (where an insane person couldn't hurt himself). This meaning dates to at least the 1930s. New York Times columnist William…
Many students apply to Ivy League schools. However, there is always the possibility that they will not be admitted, so they also apply to "safety schools" -- schools where they are fairly…
The "school of hard knocks" (also the "college of hard knocks" and the "university of hard knocks") means something that is learned from adversity, rather than formal…
P.S. 106 in Far Rockaway, Queens,holds classes for students through grade six. The New York (NY) Post dubbed PS 106 the "School of No" because it had no books, no gym classes and no art…
"Schoolcation" (school + vacation) was entered in the Urban Dictionary on February 1, 2019, and defined as, "When you're on a break, like summer or a winter break, and the…
"School" has been purposely misspelled many ways, such as "screwel," "screwl," "scrool," "scruel," "skrewel" and "skrewl."…
Wagner College of Staten Island calls its teams the Seahawks. No one knows why it's the "Seahawks." Actually, most people don't even know Wagner College. It's a hidden gem.…
The "senior slump" is the time near the end of the academic period for a high school or college senior where the student's academic interest often lags. The high school senior might…
"Senioritis" (senior + -itis) is a jocular "disease" that affects many high school and college seniors. The "disease" causes the senior student to use less effort in…
Pace University has a campus on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge, although the athletic teams are mostly from Pace's Westchester campus. The team nickname is the Pace Setters. Too bad…
S.C.H.O.O.L = Six Crazy Hours Of Our Lives and S.C.H.O.O.L.E.D = Six Crazy Hours OF Our Lives Each Day and S.C.H.O.O.L - Six.Crap.Hours.Of.Our.Lives and S.C.H.O.O.L = Six Crappy Hours Of Our Lives…
Long Island University changed the nickname of its sports teams in 2019 from "Blackbirds" to "Sharks." The "Sharks" nickname beat out "Eagles" and…
"SHCOOL" is a failed spelling of "SCHOOL" that has been painted on several roads. These images have been used as a meme to discuss "school" and "failure."…
"Shit/Stuff To Remember Every Single Second" is a backronym (back acronym) of the word "stress" that has been printed on ecards. "S.T.R.E.S.S is -> Shit to Remember…
There is a RINO (Republican In Name Only). Don't know who that would be. There is also a DINO (Democrat In Name Only). SINO (Student In Name Only) is new, but it could catch on.…
S.C.H.O.O.L = Six Crazy Hours Of Our Lives and S.C.H.O.O.L.E.D = Six Crazy Hours OF Our Lives Each Day and S.C.H.O.O.L - Six.Crap.Hours.Of.Our.Lives and S.C.H.O.O.L = Six Crappy Hours Of Our Lives…
"Sleeping, Talking, Unlimited texting, Dreaming, Yawning" -- a backronym (back acronym) of the word "study" -- has been printed on T-shirts and GIFs. The "study"…
"Slutgers" (slut + Rutgers) is an unflattering nickname for Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. "Slutgers" was posted on the newsgroup on November 25,…
"Sometimes I make words up to sound more smartaculous" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "Smartaculous" is a portmanteau from the words "smart"…