Screwel, Screwl, Scrool, Scruel, Skrewel, Skrewl (school)

“School” has been purposely misspelled many ways, such as “screwel,” “screwl,” “scrool,” “scruel,” “skrewel” and “skrewl.” “High screwl” was cited in print in 1993. “Public scruel” and “high skrewl” were cited in 1998. The misspellings often imply a portmanteau of “school” and “screw” or “cruel.”
Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh often uses “screwl.” As explained in TrustyShellback‘s “The Rush Limbaugh Dictionary of Democracy” in 2007:
School. This is a portmanteau of screw and school, reflecting Limbaugh’s belief that many schools often fail to do their job and end up screwing students out of a meaningful education. It originated as a mimicry of Dr. Joycelyn Elders’ tortured pronunciation of the word school.

Google Groups: alt.rush-limbaugh
Summary Fri 1/29/93
Nathan Engle
I also knew his mom pretty well since she was an English teacher and coach of our high screwl “Quiz Bowl” team.
Google Groups:
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Screwl, of course, being a term instituted by the illustrious band GWAR, meaning Screw You All.
Google Groups:
Bullet Proof Vests?
Bill and Joi Ramey
Shouldn’t you say ‘public scruel’?  That’s what it’s become anyway.
Google Groups:
> > Oh well, the week wasn’t all bad I graduated from high skrewl yesterday
> > had a small party with my family
Google Groups:
Ridiculous Texas High Skrewel Chat
Chris Boyd
C’mon guys.  This Cove team everyone speaks of has to be someone else.  We NEVER do things like be ranked and “roll over” Ellison, and have all-state running backs.
Google Groups: alt.politics.usa.constitution.gun-rights
ok what the f***
Ernest L. Murphy
> > He was educated at the top of his class in the government screwels so give him a hand. at least he
> > is trying .
Google Groups:
OT Education in America…thanks Liberals…
Unions have already shitcanned the public screwels.
Google Groups: or.politics
Pubic Screwl Epidemic?
The big list: Female teachers with students
Young victims mostly male, while penalties often hand slap
Posted: March 21, 2007
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2007
The Rush Limbaugh Dictionary of Democracy
School. This is a portmanteau of screw and school, reflecting Limbaugh’s belief that many schools often fail to do their job and end up screwing students out of a meaningful education. It originated as a mimicry of Dr. Joycelyn Elders’ tortured pronunciation of the word school.
Rush Limbaugh slams Pioneer Press, U Journalism ‘Screwl’
By David Brauer | 02/26/09
I don’t usually promote Rush Limbaugh’s predictable outrage, but I suspect he’ll get some “dittos” from unexpected quarters after going off on a $238,000 state grant to retrain the Pioneer Press and Duluth News Tribune staffs.
There’s plenty of playground — he mocks the grant’s recipient as the U Journalism “Screwl,” and the papers as “drive-by” media (as opposed to the depth that is Rush).
Yahoo! Answers
August 11, 2010
Why does Rush limbaugh call schools Scrools?
Why does he pronounce schools scrools? I must have missed his show the day he explained that.
It is screwels, and is because the kids who have no other option than to attend public school are screwed. With liberal programs such as common core, and rewritten history, the kids will graduate without the education they will need to become successful and so are “screwed by the school”—or screwel.
Ron A
U.S. News & World Report
New Book Calls Rush Limbaugh Lazy
Author John Wilson thinks he knows why Limbaugh is unbending on his views.

By Paul Bedard Feb. 22, 2011 | 12:35 p.m. EST
Rush haters have a new book to love: The Most Dangerous Man In America. In it, author John Wilson thinks he knows why Rush Limbaugh is so unbending on his views: Rush is a lazy daddy’s boy. Wilson says Rush didn’t challenge his dad’s conservative opinions and resisted schooling that would have offered different views. “Limbaugh’s refusal to question his father’s teachings might explain why he hated school so much. Limbaugh believes he learned everything he ever needed to know from his father, and what he was taught in school may have challenged some of those ideas,” pens Wilson, who mocks that Rush pronounces “schools” as “screwls.”
Limbaugh on Marysville “Screwl” (sic) Shooting
Abitof Levity
Published on Oct 25, 2014
From Rush Limbaugh’s show 10/24/14, his disconnected, even lighthearted report on the school shooting at Marysville Pilchuck High School: “Breaking folks, in the State of Washington, Marysville, Washington, breaking news, the newsmedia, the drivebys can abandon coverage of Ebola, and hatchetman attackers and terrorism and focus on another school shooting. Police responding to reports of a shooting at Marysville Pilchuck High “Screwl’ (sic) in Marysville Washington.”