“Architects cover their mistakes with ivy”
“Surgeons can bury their mistakes, but we architects have to cover ours with ivy" is usually credited to architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). Wright gave a 1931 Art Institute of Chicago…
“Surgeons can bury their mistakes, but we architects have to cover ours with ivy" is usually credited to architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). Wright gave a 1931 Art Institute of Chicago…
"As you slide down the ban(n)ister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way" is a jocular one-line saying that has been printed on many images. "A toast to the bride and…
"I don't care what people think of me. At least mosquitoes find me attractive" is a saying that has been printed on many images. That is, by "find me attractive" it's…
"Attention Thieves: Please carry ID so we can notify next of kin" (or "Burglars please carry ID so we can notify next of kin") is a sign that has been printed on many images.…
Bathroom hand dryers almost never work well, and users ultimately have to wipe their hands on their pants. "Bathroom hand dryers are amazing if you want to kill a few minutes before wiping…
Bean bag chairs have been described as "boneless sofas," the description became popular in June/July 2017 and is of uncertain origin. "what fool called them beanbag chairs instead of…
"Behind every great man is a great(er) woman" is an old saying. Women are often in the kitchen -- a place where most men shouldn't be. This jocular variation was posted on Twitter by…
Poison ivy has white berries in the fall, but the harmless Virginia creeper has red berries. The rhyme "Berries white, poisonous sight! Berries red, have no dread!" has been cited in…
"Best friends don't care if your house is clean. They care if you have wine" is a wine saying that has been printed on many images. The saying was posted on Twitter on October 4,…
"Beware of dog" is a popular sign. "Beware of dog kisses" is a sign that has been printed on many images. The sign became popular in 2011 and 2012. "Beware of Dog Kisses by…
"Beware of (the) dog. And the cat is not trustworthy, either" is a jocular sign that has been printed on many images. “Beware of the dog. And the cat is not trustworthy either!” was…
"Beware of...well...just beware" is a jocular property saying that has been printed on many images. The property owner might have a dog or a gun to protect the property. "One of my…
"Beware: Dog can't hold its licker" (or "Caution: Dog can't hold its licker") is a jocular "liquor"/"licker" sign saying that has been printed on…
Some homes are made of brick, so does that mean that brick is domesticated? "A brick is a domesticated rock" was posted on Twitter by Julie Resigned on November 3, 2013. "Bricks are…
Inflation (in food, rent and gas) has many people nostalgic. This was posted on Twitter by Maxmillion (the screen name was changed to "poverty baby") on August 16, 2021, and received over…
Housing bubble? What housing bubble? Do you mean that the space of a closet doesn't normally cost half a million dollars? "Bubbles" are for bathtubs" is a slogan that is making…
"Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" became a popular meme in 2019, referring to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (1953-2019), who allegedly hung himself in his Metropolitan Correctional…
"Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" became a popular meme in 2019, referring to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (1953-2019), who allegedly hung himself in his Metropolitan Correctional…
"Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" became a popular meme in 2019, referring to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (1953-2019), who allegedly hung himself in his Metropolitan Correctional…
"Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" became a popular meme in 2019, referring to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (1953-2019), who allegedly hung himself in his Metropolitan Correctional…