Burger King Kids

An executive at JPMorgan Chase & Company dubbed some of his young new hires "Burger King kids" (after the fast food restaurant), according to the New York (NY) Times of October 13,…

Buying Stampede

A "buying stampede" occurs when many buyers (such as stock market "bulls") all charge to buy something. The term "buying stampede" has been cited in print since at…

Carriage Trade

"Carriage trade" means business with wealthy customers (such as those who arrive in expensive carriages). The term "carriage trade" has been cited in print since at least this…

Cash Cow

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Cash cowIn business, a cash cow is a product or a business unit that generates unusually high profit margins: so high that it is responsible for a large amount…

Chump Change

"Chump change" is a small and/or insignificant mount of money -- the money a "chump" makes, not a "champ." "Chump change" was printed in the Philadelphia…


"Churning" occurs when a broker executes many trades on an investment account; the trades are not necessarily in the best interests of the investor (the client), but the trades are in the…