Brexit (Great Britain/British + exit)

“Brexit” (Great Britain/British + exit) is a word created to define a possible British exit from the eurozone. “Brexit” has been cited in print since at least May 2012. A similar term—“Brixit” (Great Britain/British + exit)—was used in June 2012.
“Bremain” (Great Britain/British + remain) was coined to describe Great Britain remaining in the eurozone.
“Grexit” (Greece/Greek + exit) was coined in February 2012 and was clearly the inspiration for “Brexit.” “Gerxit” (Germany/German + exit) and “Spexit” (Spain/Spanish + exit) both date from May 2012.
Wikipedia: United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union
United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union (sometimes referred to by the neologisms Brexit or Brixit for “British exit” and “Britain’s exit” respectively) is sought by Eurosceptics who believe Britain would be better off outside the trading bloc. No member state has ever left the European Union although in a 1975 referendum, the United Kingdom voted to stay in its precursor the European Economic Community, after having joined in 1973.
In January 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron promised a referendum on British membership of the European Union if the Conservative Party are returned to power at the next general election.
In mid-2012, the terms Brexit and Brixit were coined for the concept of the United Kingdom ceasing to be a member of the European Union. These slang terms are portmanteau words formed from Britain or British and exit. The Centre for European Reform has been credited with the invention of the term Brexit, though it was previously used by The British Resistance. The term Brixit was coined by the Economist columnist Bagehot, in the article A Brixit looms, dated 21 June 2012.
Cicero’s Songs
Euro future versus a “Brexit”
Living in the latest country to adopt the Euro, it is clear that, to say the least, the British media has a “different” perspective on the single currency.
If you believe the British press, the Euro not only will collapse, but it should collapse
The British Resistance 
29 June 2012
Gotterdammerung and Brexit. Britain Exiting the EU?     
Written by Tim Heydon
Is the EU stumbling towards Gotterdammerung, with the old gods of European Unity giving way to …...the older gods of national independence?
BBC News
10 August 2012 Last updated at 04:20 ET
Douglas Fraser
The Great British Brexit
A boost to national confidence is likely to be one result of the London Olympics. Big enough to influence Britain’s place in Europe?

But as the Olympics head to the close, the possibility of a British exit from the European Union - or a ‘Brexit’ - is getting a serious airing in London financial circles.
Financial Times
October 18, 2012 5:45 pm
Brexit: Europe loses patience with London
By Philip Stephens
There have been many crises in the UK’s relationship with the EU, but this one feels different
Beyond the realm of politics, investors in Britain have been slow to wake up to the implications of what the Centre for European Reform has dubbed “Brexit”.