“Three D’s” or “Five D’s” of Auctions/Foreclosures (Death, Disease, Drugs, Divorce, Denial)
Entry in progress—B.P.
Google News Archive
14 August 1986, St. Petersburg (FL) Evening Independent, “Firms helps brokerages make sales,” pg. 10A, col. 1:
Suppose you are a client who needs to sell a limited partnership—usually because of a need for cash due to one of the three D’s—death, divorce, or financial disability.
New York (NY) Times
The Art Market; Auction Houses Cutting Prices To Lure Buyers
Published: May 1, 1992
TO judge this spring’s contemporary-art auctions by their catalogue’s covers, literally, is to conclude that times are good. And they are, for buyers. But for sellers and auction houses, the story is not so rosy.
Debt, death and divorce, the three D’s of the auction business, keep the art market going.
New York (NY) Times
PUBLIC LIVES; Hooked on Collectibles and the Bottom Line
Published: June 16, 1998
’‘Everybody always says there are the three D’s in the auction trade,’’ Ms. Hawkes says. ‘‘Death, divorce, debt.’’
iTulip Administrator
07-10-06 09:21 AM
The Six D’s of Home Foreclosure - Sean O’Toole
Why does foreclosure happen other than simple inability to make the payments because of, say, job loss? I attribute it to the six D’s: Death, Disease, Drugs, Divorce, Denial and Duty.
U.S. News & World Report
A Moral Dilemma: Should You Lose Sleep Over Investing In a Foreclosed Property?
Here are 5 ways to make money while keeping a clean conscience
By Emily Brandon
Posted: February 13, 2008
When a home goes into foreclosure, the owner is often suffering from what Bill Mazur, a 21-year veteran of foreclose investing, calls “the three D’s: death, divorce, or disease.” Other reasons can include job loss, unexpected medical bills, taking on more house than you can afford in the long term, and ballooning payments on adjustable-rate mortgages.
Los Angeles (CA) Times
Downturn’s reluctant beneficiary
‘I’m an investor, not a speculator,’ says Sean O’Toole, who started the online database ForeclosureRadar.com.
June 08, 2008
Peter Y. Hong, Times Staff Writer
When Sean O’Toole decided to make his fortune in foreclosures, he figured he would have five “partners”: death, disease, divorce, drugs and denial.
The “five Ds of foreclosure,” as O’Toole calls them, refers to the life crises that had typically triggered the lender’s repossession of a home.
Foreclosure Truth
The Five D’s of Foreclosure
By Sean O’Toole | Jun 17, 2008
Back in mid-2006, nearly a year before I launched ForeclosureRadar.com, I wrote an article for iTulip.com to help Eric’s readers better understand current foreclosure statistics. In it, I introduced the fact that there is a base rate of foreclosure that happens regardless of the housing market. This base rate of foreclosure being due to the Five D’s: Death, Disease, Drugs, Divorce, Denial.
San Francisco (CA) Business Times
Friday, July 4, 2008
Passing the baton
The most successful family businesses have mastered the art of change in leadership, methods and business
by Lizette Wilson
San Francisco Business Times Contributor
Muscat calls them the Five D’s: divorce, death, disability, debt and disaster.
Hamptons Prices Fall as Recession Hits Wall Street
By Peter S. Green
Jan. 27 (Bloomberg) (2009—ed.)
“The market is in stagnation,” said Paul Brennan, regional director for the Hamptons at Elliman. “If you sell in this market, it’s usually one of the three D’s: death, divorce or debt.”
Living Well in San Mateo
Foreclosure Market Realities and What’s Ahead for San Mateo
By Raymond Stoklosa · January 19th, 2010
The prevalence of the “6 Dreaded D’s” – death, divorce, disease, drugs, denial and da job – ensure that foreclosure will always be an element in the lender/borrower relationship. Foreclosure is a consequence of real people in distress experiencing one of life’s brutal low points. For the home owner, it never feels like a good choice and often foster feelings of failure.