New York City

Faux News (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel (headquartered in Manhattan) has often been criticized for conservative bias. The nickname “Faux News" has been used by some critics of Fox News since at least March…

Fauxl (faux + fall)

Texas is sometimes given more than four seasons. One extra season is called "fake fall" or "false fall" or "faux fall," sometimes called "fauxl." "Faux…

Fauxnut (faux + cronut/donut)

A "fauxnut" (faux + donut) is an imitation donut. Danny DeVito was required to eat donuts for his role in the film Other People's Money (1991), but he didn't eat junk food. Mani…

Fear City

Welcome to Fear City: A Survival Guide for Visitors to the City of New York (1975) was published by the Council for Public Safety -- police, firefighters and other unions. New York City was in dire…