Dirty Image (and illegal postering)

16 June 2005, New York Daily News, "City Washes Its Hands of '2nd Dirtiest' Ranking" by Jose Martinez, pg. 4:
WE'VE WIPED AWAY the crime, but not the grime.
A new survey in Reader's Digest trashes New York as the country's second-filthiest city while heaping praise on sparkling backwaters such as Portland, Ore., Columbus, Ohio, and even upstate Buffalo.

But at least this isn't Chicago. As usual, the Second City placed behind New York, claiming the dubious honor of America's dirtiest burg.

New York City sanitation officials were not amused by the report, which ranked the country's 50 biggest metro areas on pollution rates, toxic emissions, waste sites and size of the sanitation force.

We're number two! Thank heaven for Chicago!

I disagree with the Reader's Digest survey, but the results are not good. We can improve.

The BIDs (business improvement districts) are doing a good jobs, and I will try to coordinate their influence to make all areas of Manhattan clean. I will look at the 311 statistics very carefully and make sure that poorer neighborhoods aren't dirtier.

It's June as I write this, and I've noticed illegal campaigns signs and stickers by Democratic Manhattan borough president hopefuls Espillat, Ellner, Stringer, and Manzano on city property. If you see this, call 311 to report it, or go to http://www.nyc.gov/sanitation and file an online report.

If you see illegal postering by a Manhattan borough president candidate, please do not vote for that candidate. It will not be me.