Big Easy, City That Care Forgot (New Orleans nicknames)

“Clones are people two”

"Clones are people two" (or "Clones are people 2") -- instead of "too" -- is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "THE XEROX LAW OF ORGANISM…

“Close, but no cigar”

A cigar was traditionally one of the rewards at carnivals for winning at games of skill or chance. Coney Island offered many such games in the early 1900s. Most people did not win a prize; for…

“Club sandwiches, not seals”

"Club sandwiches, not seals" is a humorous saying about a serious environmental topic that has been printed on T-shirts and many other gift items. The T-shirt saying has been cited in…

“Club soda is just angry water”

"Club soda is just angry water" is a saying for those who think that carbonation makes water angry. "Club soda tastes like angry water" was posted on Twitter by Kyrai on August…

“Club soda tastes like tv static”

Many people have compared the taste of sparkling water (seltzer, carbonated water, soda water, club soda) to tv static. "Sparkling water tastes like what I imagine an all static TV channel…

“Co-worker: WYD? Me: MMOMFB”

MMOMFB (Minding My Own Mother Fucking Business) is an expression that has been printed on many images. The "MMOMFB" term is frequently directed at co-workers. "- ohh lawdy , hea we…

“Cobbler is upside-down pie”

Cobbler (a dessert) has frequently been described as upside-down pie. "okay cobbler is upside down pie" was posted on Twitter by Michael on April 10, 2011. "Cobbler is basically an…