Whiskey-taw Falls (Wichita Falls nickname)
The city of Wichita Falls, in the early 1900s, had about one saloon in every five businesses. By at least 1914, Wichita Falls was nicknamed "Whiskeyta Falls" (or "Whiskey-taw…
The city of Wichita Falls, in the early 1900s, had about one saloon in every five businesses. By at least 1914, Wichita Falls was nicknamed "Whiskeyta Falls" (or "Whiskey-taw…
A "whisper number" is an unofficial earnings estimate -- a rumor or "whispered number" among analysts. A company might project an official earnings estimate, but analysts often…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: WhistleblowerA whistleblower (
The White Carnation (vodka, peach schnapps, and orange juice) was the official drink of the Belmont Stakes from the 1980s until 1997, when it was replaced by the Belmont Breeze. The carnation is…
White chili ("bowl of white") differs greatly from the "bowl of red" that is the Texas official state dish (chili). White chili contains chicken and white beans;…
A "white collar" worker is a professional or educated worker, or someone who works in an office. A "blue collar" worker is someone of the working class, such as a tradesperson.…
Oregon was called the White Fort State, Hard Case State, Beaver State and Pacific State in The Teachers World (September 1893). The "White Fort State" nickname appears nowhere else in…
A "white glove building" is a building with a doorman or concierge who wears white gloves. Some people think the term is for an ultraclean building that passes the "white glove…
"White Harlem" was popularized as a name for Morningside Heights by the comedian George Carlin (1937-2008) in his 1973 comedy album Occupation: Foole. "Harlem" in the name made…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: White knight (business)In business, a white knight, or "friendly investor" may be a corporation, or a person that intends to help another firm. There…
Broadway is known for its bright lights, and has been called the "Bulb Belt," "Great Bright Way," "Great White Way," "Incandescent District," "Lane of…
"White money" is legitimately earned (the opposite of "black money") and fully reported for tax purposes. "White money" has been cited in print since at least 2009,…
Lithium has many commercial uses, such as in batteries. Lithium was nicknamed "white oil" in April 2016 because of its white color and because of its importance to energy (like oil).…
"White pizza" (pizza without tomato sauce) is found at many pizzerias in the New York area, but is not often found in other parts of the country. The Italian "pizza bianca" is a…
The "White Russian" cocktail is made from vodka, coffee liqueur (such as Kahlua or Tia Maria), and cream. The "Black Russian" cocktail does not include cream. Heublein, Inc.,…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: White knight (business)In business, a white knight, or "friendly investor" may be a corporation, or a person that intends to help another firm. There…
Texas sheet cake includes cocoa and white Texas sheet cake (or "white sheet cake") does not. The white Texas sheet cake recipe may have originated (or at least was popularized) in The…
A "White Trash Wedding Cake" (or "White Trash Cake") is another name for a dump cake. The blog Culinarily Obsessed, on May 21, 2006, explained "I've renamed it…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: WhitemailWhitemail, coined as an opposite to blackmail, has several meanings explained below. EconomicsIn economics, whitemail is an anti-takeover arrangement…
"Whitestoner” is the name of an inhabitant of Whitestone, in the borough of Queens. The name “Whitestoner” has been cited in print since at least 1902. "Whitestoner" should not…