
Great Moderation

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Great ModerationIn economics, the Great Moderation refers to a reduction in the volatility of business cycle fluctuations starting in the mid-1980s, believed to…

Great Plains

The American region called the "Great Plains" is a large area of flat land, and is located west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains. American explorer and writer…

Great Rebalancing

The financial term "Great Rebalancing" was cited by Newsweek on June 26. 2006: "I think we'll look back and 2006 will seem possibly like the middle phase of what you might call…

Great Recession

"Great Recession" is a variant of the 1930s name "Great Depression." Many writers have called economic dips a "Great Recession," starting about 1974 and continuing in…

Great Reckoning

The financial term "Great Reckoning" was popularized by James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg in their book, The Great Reckoning: How the world will change in the depression of the…

Great Reset

The term "Great Reset" came into popular use after the 2008 financial crisis and is similar to the economic terms "Great Depression" and "Great Recession." Richard…

Great Resist

“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” is a saying that the World Economic Forum has popularized since 2016, and has been associated with its plans for a Great Reset. Some "Great…

Great Shrinkage

David Bianco, Deutsche Bank's Chief U.S. Equity Strategist, was the subject of a Business Insider article on May 28, 2012, "David Bianco: The Stock Market Is Shrinking." Bianco said…

Great Stagnation

The "Great Stagnation" is a term applied to an economy that is not advancing or developing. The economist Lester C. Thurow wrote a piece titled "The Great Stagnation" for the…

Great Under Major Pressure (GUMP)

"Great Under Major Pressure (GUMP)" is a popular term in South Florida high school football, where it began. Miami (FL) Northwestern High School starting quarterback Teddy Bridgewater and…

Great Unravelling

"The Great Unravelling" is when the financial markets unwind, often with an event such as a crash. American economist and New York (NY) Times columnist Paul Krugman popularized the term…

Great Unrecovery

The United States economy was in recession (often dubbed the "Great Recession") in 2008. Citizens looked to the new presidential administration of Barack Obama for a "Great…