Great Replacement (Grand Replacement)

French writer Renaud Camus has spoken since 2010 about the “Great Replacement”—Muslim immigration into France that destroys the French culture, replacing France with a Muslim nation. The term “Great Replacement” has been cited in English since at least 2012.
“Grand Replacement” has also been used—although less frequently—to describe the same event. The term “Great Replacement” soon expanded beyond its French origins and was used to describe a wave of immigration into any country.
Wikipedia: Renaud Camus
Renaud Camus (French: [ʁəno kamy]; born 10 August 1946) is a French writer.
The Great Replacement
Since 2010 Camus has been warning of the danger of the “Great Replacement” (Grand Remplacement), the colonization of France by Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, which threatens to “mutate” the country and its culture permanently. “The Great Replacement is very simple. You have one people, and in the space of a generation, you have a different people.” In 2014 he was convicted of incitement to racial hatred.
Islam versus Europe
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
“France is Already in a State of War and No One Wants to Say It”
16:44 | Posted by Cheradenine Zakalwe
I’ve written before about the French writer Renaud Camus who was dropped by his publishers after declaring his support for the Front National earlier this year. Here’s an interview he gave recently to the Voice of Russia.
What do you think of humanitarian organisations like MRAP that prohibit discussion of the facts?
That they are helpers who have a stake in the Great Replacement.
CBN News
‘Generation Identity’ Wages War on France Islamization
By Dale Hurd
CBN News Sr. Reporter
Monday, December 10, 2012
PARIS - It was a political protest with shock value, the likes of which has never been seen on French TV news: a group of young people stormed a mosque in the city of Portiers, going to the roof and unfurling a banner calling for a national referendum on Muslim immigration.
The Great Replacement
The French Republic, which is supposed to be strictly secular, has actively helped Muslims build mosques and spread Sharia law. Polls show most French are alarmed about it.
Renaud Camus, one of France’s leading writers, said flatly that France is being colonized by Muslim immigrants with the help of the government and the media. He calls it “The Great Replacement.”
“The Great Replacement is very simple,” he explained. “You have one people, and in the space of a generation, you have a different people.”
Camus accused the French media of covering up the situation in the name of political correctness, essentially telling the French that the Islamization they see happening with their own eyes is not happening.
‘Generation Identity’ Wages War on France Islamization -
The Christian Broadcasting Network
Published on Dec 10, 2012
CBN News has been the leader in reporting on the steady Islamization of France. Now there is another sign that France is breaking down: the rise of ‘Generation Indentity.’.. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN
“He (Renaud Camus—ed.) calls it ‘The Great Replacement.’”
Liberty GB
August 13, 2013 ·
Leading French writer Renaud Camus says that France is being colonized by Muslim immigrants with the help of the government and the media. He calls this “THE GREAT REPLACEMENT”. “The Great Replacement is very simple”, he says: “You have one people, and in the space of a generation, you have a different people.”
New English Review
Hugh Fitzgerald
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Renaud Camus: NO To “The Great Replacement Of A People And A Civilisation”
(par Renaud Camus, 10 septembre 2013)
« Le changement de peuple implique le changement de civilisation. Croire qu’il puisse en aller autrement, que la France puisse être encore la France, l’Europe encore l’Europe, avec une autre population, c’est mépriser les peuples et les individus, réduits au statut d’hommes et de femmes remplaçables, interchangeables, délocalisables à merci.
November 15, 2014  
The Grand Replacement
Earlier this month, Marine Le Pen made comments on immigration in various interviews on television, in print, and online. In le JDD (Journal de dimanche), she replied to questions:
- Do you approve of the expression “grand replacement”, often used by people who support the FN?
- The concept of grand replacement presupposes an established plan. I do not buy into this conspiratorial vision. I think, more pragmatically, that immigration has been used for thirty years by the big financial milieux to lower salaries, and they have been exceptionally efficient if one can believe the latest figures. At the same time, the politicians are acquiring a reserve of voters that they no longer have among the working classes.
The Great Replacement
Martin Willett
Published on Dec 12, 2014
People are not comfortable with the description “genocide” for anything less than systematic mass killing. Calling a population replacement genocide is going to cause resistance. Our struggle is hard enough already without fighting over the definition of genocide. There is a viable alternative.
Heresy blog
Thursday, June 4, 2015
The Great Replacement
The Great Replacement (or The Grand Replacement) is a concept originating from French author Renaud Camus, which argues that the native French are being replaced within their own homeland by foreigners.
Camus asserts that France is being colonized by Muslim immigrants, with the help of the government and the media. He has stated that:
“The Great Replacement is very simple. You have one people, and in the space of a generation, you have a different people.”
CBN News
Immigration Wave: Will Europe Still Be Europe?
By Dale Hurd
CBN News Sr. Reporter
Thursday, September 03, 2015
LONDON—It is a staggering humanitarian crisis: the largest refugee influx since World War II. More than 300,000 Africans and Asians have crossed Europe’s border this year, double last year’s pace. Hundreds more have died trying in just the past few weeks.
French writer Renaud Camus calls the influx “the great replacement” and says it is the biggest thing to happen to France since the 15th century.
“Because what is happening, the population is changing,” he explained. “Can France be the same with a different people? And obviously, the answer is no.”