Title Town or Titletown (usually Green Bay, WI, but also other sports cities)
Green Bay, Wisconsin, has called itself "Titletown" or "Titletown, U.S.A." (also "Title Town") since 1961 because of its successful football team, the Green Bay…
Green Bay, Wisconsin, has called itself "Titletown" or "Titletown, U.S.A." (also "Title Town") since 1961 because of its successful football team, the Green Bay…
"Tits for tots" (a pun on "tit-for-tat") was the nickname pf a proposed 2004 Texas strip club tax that would, supposedly, have raised revenue for the education of Texas…
"TLA" is Washington, DC, federal government lingo for a "three letter agency," such as ATF, CIA, DHS, FBI, NSA, and so on. "TLA (Three Letter Agency)" has been cited…
Tlacoyos are antojitos (appetizers or snacks) that are popular in Mexico, but have been cited in restaurants in the United States since only the 1990s. "Tlacoyo" is from the Nahuatl words…
Tlayuda (also spelled "clayuda") is a specialty of Oaxaca, Mexico. Tlayuda/clayuda refers to a large corn tortilla, but it also refers to that same tortilla when topped with beans,…
The "TLC" is the "Taxi and Limousine Commission." The TLC may give you "tender, loving care," or it may not. "TLC=tender, loving care" is a military acronym…
Elvis Patterson was a cornerback who first played for the New York Giants football team in 1984. Giants coach Bill Parcells nicknamed him "Toast" that year because Patterson frequently…
Elvis Patterson was a cornerback who first played for the New York Giants football team in 1984. Giants coach Bill Parcells nicknamed him "Toast" that year because Patterson frequently…
Columbia University's Law School has been said to look like a toaster. That's one of the better comments on several of Columbia's newer buildings.…
"Tobacco onions" were created by celebrity chef Dean Fearing at The Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, Texas, in the 1980s. Red and yellow onions are floured, sprinkled with paprika and…
HOBO (ham on bagel omelet, BOBO (bacon), SOBO (sausage) and TOBO or TURBO (turkey) are breakfast sandwiches that are served with cheese and potatoes; a roll or a wrap often replaces the bagel. The…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Hot toddyHot toddy is a name given to a mixed drink that is served hot, believed to have originated in the 18th century to make the taste of Scotch more…
Wikipedia: Candy appleCandy apples, also known as toffee apples outside of North America, are whole apples covered in a hard toffee or sugar candy coating, with a stick inserted as a handle. These…
Turducken (turkey + duck + chicken) is a popular Thanksgiving meal, and there is also vegetarian or vegan turducken, called "vegducken/veggieducken." A vegetarian turducken with tofu (or…
Many people have suggested that "apartments" should really be called "togetherments." "Inaccurate Euphemisms. Why are lodging to let almost always advertised not as…
Did "toilet paper" originate in New York City? Yes, New York had "medicated paper" in 1857-58, but this wasn't successful. The words "toilet paper" appear first…
The New York (NY) Times has been called the "(news)paper of record" since 1924. Some critics claim that the Times distorts facts and should not be relied upon as the true, accurate…
"Toilet-to-tap" (or "toilet to tap") is another term for "recycled water." The term is unpalatable to some, with a clear reminder of the source (the toilet) of the…
"Tokambrian" (token + Cambrian) is a term that was coined by TwitterSal the Agorist@SallyMayweatherThe most obvious black swan rn is the tokenization of everything; a real Tokambrian…
A "tom turkey" (occasionally given as "thomas turkey") is a male turkey. "Tom" has been used for the male of a species since the anonymous work The Life and Adventures…