Tlayuda or Clayuda (Oaxacan “Mexican pizza”)

Tlayuda (also spelled “clayuda”) is a specialty of Oaxaca, Mexico. Tlayuda/clayuda refers to a large corn tortilla, but it also refers to that same tortilla when topped with beans, cheese, cabbage, meat, and other toppings.
Tlayuda/clayuda resembles the Mexican pizza that is served in many Tex-Mex restaurants in the United States.
Wikipedia: Tlayuda
Tlayudas, sometimes spelled Clayuda, (IPA /kla’ʝuð̞a/) is a part of Mexican Cuisine, consisting of a big crunchy tortilla covered with a spread of refried beans, asiento (unrefined pork lard), cabbage, meat (usually shredded chicken, beef tenderloin and/or pork), Oaxaca cheese or other cheese, and salsa. They are a popular antojito, or snack food, in Oaxaca, particularly around Oaxaca City.
The rules for topping a tlayuda are not strict, and restaurants and street vendors in Oaxaca often offer a variety of different toppings. Popular toppings include tasajo (a style of beef), chorizo, and cecina enchilada (thin strips of chili-powder-encrusted pork). The dinner-plate-sized tortilla is baked, not fried, either on a comal, a grill, or directly on the coals. They may be prepared open-faced or folded in half.
Oaxaca Times
The tlayuda variety of tortillas is used to make a dish that has the same name. Used as the base, the tlayuda is topped with asiento, beans, cabbage or lettuce, tomatoes, quesillo and meat. Tlayudas are the most popular after-party munchies. Street stands can be found around the city Peak time is normally after 2 am.
Google Books
Dust on My Heart:
Petticoat Vagabond in Mexico
by Neill James
New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons
Pg. 201:
Among special foods they ate were tamales, shrimp rolled in tortillas, and clayuda, a wafer-thin cake, and desserts in the form of birds and bizarre human ...
28 July 1994, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “Clayuda Me” by Jonathan Gold, Pg. H19:
When you show up late in the afternoon, everybody is sipping horchata and eating clayudas, sort of pizza-size Oaxacan tostadas smeared with black beans, ...
Google Books
A Cook’s Tour of Mexico:
Authentic Recipes from the Country’s Best Open-Air Markets, City Fondas, and Home Kitchens
by Nancy Zaslavsky
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press
Pg. 12:
Sold from tall baskets, clayudas are the classic “plates” to pile with grill-your-own meat, chiles, and onions in Tlacolula’s smoky, cavernous Sunday market building. Never fried in oil, clayuda chips are oven- and comal-roasted.
15 March 1995, San Antonio (TX) Express-News:
Tlayudas (corn tortillas).
22 October 1995, Nashua (NH) Telegraph, pg. H2:
A lighter meal of chicken tostadas costs $2.50, and tlayudas—a giant fried tortilla topped with black beans, meat, cheese and lettuce—...
11 February 1996, Chicago (IL) Sun-Times, pg. 5:
Don’t miss tlayudas, enormous dry corn tortillas made only in Oaxaca.
9 November 1997, Los Angeles (CA) Times, magazine section, pg. 32:
A musician plays popular Mexican songs on a portable keyboard while waiters run back and forth from the kitchen carrying what look like pizzas covered with crumbled white cheese. They’re actually clayudas, huge, pale gold disks of masa patted out by hand and cooked on a clay comal (griddle) to give them a slight bell curve. Smeared with black bean paste, they’re garnished with shredded cabbage, lightly salted queso fresco and thin slices of tasajo (salty dried beef), cecino (chile-marinated pork) or, my favorite, stubby little Oaxacan-style chorizo streaked with orange.
9 May 1999, New York (NY) Times, “What’s doing in Los Angeles” by Todd S. Purdum, pg. 159:
For a true cross-cultural immersion, try another Koreatown spot, Guelaguetza, 3337 1/2 West Eighth Street, this one offering Mexican specialties from Oaxaca. Try the black mole tamales in banana leaf, and the tlayudas, pizza-like giant flour tortillas smeared with mashed beans, dried meats, tomatoes and cheese.
Google Books
The Unofficial Guide to Las Vegas 2002
by Bob Sehlinger with Deke Castleman
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Pg. 485:
...or the clayuda—a flour tortilla Texas pizza.
March 2001, Hispanic magazine, “Oaxaca: A Gourmet Paradise” by Mayra Rodriguez Valladares, pg. 60:
Other popular dishes are tlayudas, large tortillas with toppings of beans, guacamole, and local farmers’ cheese.
Google Groups: soc.culture.argentina
Newsgroups: soc.culture.argentina, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.latin-america, alt.usage.spanish, soc.culture.spain
From: “Gurriato”

Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 21:54:58 -0500
Local: Fri, Sep 1 2006 9:54 pm
Subject: VITAMINA T PARA EL PUEBLO MEJICANO. Era: Another sore loser
El peje ama a su pueblo y quiere proporcionarle una dieta rica en “Vitamina T”: Tacos, Tamales, Tortillas, Tostadas, Tortas,  Tlacoyos, Tlayudas y Teleras
Google Groups:
Followup-To: alt.activism.d
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 16:53:26 -0500 (CDT)
Local: Thurs, Mar 15 2007 4:53 pm
Subject: [NYTr] Rising maize prices undermine traditional way of life
Wire services / El Universal - Mar 12, 2007
Corn market squeezes nation’s poorest
Rising maize prices threaten the traditional way of life in a Oaxaca village
In Macuilxo’chitl, as in much of Mexico, the tortillas are made by hand with white corn. These regional variations of the nation staple are known as “tlayudas” and measure up to nearly 12 inches in
diameter and are baked and toasted in mud stoves.
“I started making tlayudas in 1952 at 12 years old, and with the (profit) I made, I sent my seven children to school - but I could only pay for elementary school,” Do~a Maricruz said.
Tlayuda Recipe
An Easy Mexican Street Food
© Timothy Dzurilla
Mar 23, 2007  
4 large flat tortillas
Black bean puree (recipe follows, or use refried beans)
Queso fresco or substitute
Oaxaca cheese or substitute
Pulled pork (substitute chicken, carne machaca- slow cooked shredded beef, shrimp or leave out)
Shredded cabbage
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
2. Smear a couple tablespoons of black bean puree on one side of the tortillas.
3. Sprinkle cheeses and pork over the bean puree.
4. Bake tlayuda for 5 minutes, or until the cheese starts to melt.
5. Top with a small handful of shredded cabbage and a bit of chopped cilantro.
6. Bake tlayuda for 5 minutes more to finish crisping the tortilla. (Optional: one interesting variation here is to fold the tlayuda in half before baking the second time before the tortilla gets too crispy)
7. Serve in wedges with sour cream, guacamole, and salsa.
25 November 2007, New York (NY) Times, “36 Hours in Oaxaca, Mexico” by Beth Greenfield, section 5, pg. 13:
If you’re hungry again, follow the crowd to the Cenaduria Tlayudas Libres (Libres 212), a late-night food market where vendors dole out huge and cheap tlayudas—oversized tortillas stuffed with cheese, beans and salsa, then folded in half and grilled (about 30 pesos).
2 February 2008, Daily Mercury (Guelph, Ontario), “Reborn Oaxaca ready to woo tourists” (Associated Press), pg. F4:
Two must- try meals: tlayudas—huge corn tortillas covered with a variety of toppings—and Oaxacan tamales.