
Theyhattan (they + Manhattan)

"Theyhattan" (they + Manhattan) is a jocular name to get the "man" out of the borough of "Manhattan." "I am offended by this. It should clearly by Theyhattan or…

Thieves’ Alley (5 Norfolk Street)

"Thieves' Alley" was a criminal area located at 5 Norfolk Street. It was destroyed in the 1890s to create Mulberry Bend Park, now known as Columbus Park. "Thieves'…

Third Coast

The United States has an east coast and a west coast, but it's sometimes said to have a "third coast." In the 1960s and 1970s, the "third coast" was the Great Lakes region…

Third Degree

"The thrid degree" was the punishment the police inflicted on a prisoner to procure a confession. It was officially made illegal in the early part of the 1900s. The third degree is the…

Thirsday (Thursty Thirsday)

"Thirsday" is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. "Thirsday" is often simply a mispelling of "Thursday," but it's also a version of "thirst…


"Thirstday" is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. "Thirstday" usually (but not always) occurs on a Thursday, when many college parties start the weekend. Drinks on…