“Communion wine should always be full-bodied”
Is Communion wine "full-bodied"? "I wonder if communion wine could be described as 'full-bodied'. Suppose not. Unless you dropped a wafer in it" was posted on Twitter…
Is Communion wine "full-bodied"? "I wonder if communion wine could be described as 'full-bodied'. Suppose not. Unless you dropped a wafer in it" was posted on Twitter…
"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff" is a saying that has been printed on many images, credited to American musician, composer and bandleader Frank Zappa…
Karl Marx (1818-1883) wrote in 1843: "It (religion -- ed.) is the opium of the people." The quotation is often given as: "Religion is the opium/opiate of the masses/people."…
A statement about communism was posted on X/Twitter -- now no longer available -- by Mystery Grove Publishing Co. @MysteryGrove on September 15, 2021: "Reminder: Communism is when ugly…
"Authoritarianism/ Communism/ Government/ Liberalism/ Marxism/ Progressivism/ Socialism/ Statism: Ideas so good, they have to be mandatory" is a political saying that has been printed on…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in many requirements to wear face masks. "Communism: You masked for it" (a pun on "you asked for it") was written on a sign by a…
"Communists aren't people. They're state property" is what a communist view might be. "Communists aren’t people, they’re state property and must be disposed of"…
Various forms of transportation have been described as "a moving waiting room." "Traveling is kind of like sitting in a moving waiting room" was posted on Reddit --…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Apples and oranges"Apples and oranges" refers to the idiom "comparing apples and oranges" or "apples to oranges", which is used to…
"Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in men" has been credited to David Sarnoff (1891-1971), the longtime head of the Radio Corporation of America, since at least…
"Competition is (a) sin" is often credited to John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), the founder of the Standard Oil Company. The saying has been attributed to Rockefeller since at least 1971,…
"Pride Month" has nothing to do with a "pride of lions," but there are jokes. "[i show up to work fully decked out in a full body lion suit] I ... misunderstood what pride…
A jocular definition of "computer" has been printed on an image: "Computer: An electronic time-saving device that is commonly used for time-wasting activities." "Computer…
"One reason computers can do more work than humans is that they never have to stop to answer the phone" is a jocular line that was printed in several newspaper ads for several different…
Some employees play solitaire at work, such as during down time or on breaks. A joke was posted on Twitter by Burt on June 18, 2015: "Our computers were down today, we had to do everything…
"Conceive - Believe- Achieve" is a popular business motto. Napoleon Hill (1833-1970) wrote in Think and Grow Rich (1937): "Edison did not believe them. He knew that the mind could…
"Condense soup, not books" is a slogan that has been used on gift items such as T-shirts and bumper stickers. John T. Dorrance (1873-1930) of the Campbell's Soup Company invented…
Condiments have been compared to makeup. "Salt and vinegar and all condiments are like makeup for your food" was posted on Twitter by Benji Mahmood on April 4, 2012. "Condiments are…
"Condoms prevent minivans" -- that is, condoms prevent children that would necessitate a larger vehicle -- is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images (especially bumper…
"Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion" is a joke that was said by Irish comedian Spike Milligan (1918-2002) on The Last Goon Show of All on October 5, 1972.…