“A wet man does not fear the rain”
"A wet man does not fear the rain" is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images. "One already wet does not fear the rain" was listed as a Turkish proverb in…
"A wet man does not fear the rain" is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images. "One already wet does not fear the rain" was listed as a Turkish proverb in…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." A wildebeest version is: "A wildebeest walks into a bar and the bartender says,…
"A win is a win (is a win)" is often said by the coach and players of a winning team, meaning that all that matters is the victory. If a heavy favorite pulls out an unexpectedly narrow…
"Do you spit or swallow?" is a wine tasting question (and oral sex double entendre). "Wine tasting.. Where to ask a chick whether she spits or swallows is considered good…
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up" is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images, often with a credit to South African political leader Nelson Mandela…
American journalist Sydney J. Harris (1917-1986) wrote a "Strictly Personal" column in January 1967 that was titled, "How to tell a Winner from a Loser." A popular line is:…
"A winner never quits" (or "winners never quit") and "a quitter never wins" (or "quitters never win") are sayings especially popular in sports. "A…
"A winter poem: Shit, it's cold. The end" is a jocular winter saying that has been printed on many images. The piece is also called "Winter" or "Ode to Winter."…
A “wireless bra” can’t access the internet, but there are jokes. "A wireless bra? They weren't tricky enough, now I need a password?" was posted on X/Twitter by Jeff Dwoskin…
What does a dog's barking mean? "A wise Chinese man once said, "If a dog barks, it's undercooked'" is a jocular line that has been printed on many images. The saying…
Doctors have a reputation for having bad handwriting. "A wise doctor once wrote," followed by scribbles, is a joke that has been printed on many images. The image was posted to Science…
"A wise man can always be found alone. A weak man can always be found in a crowd" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "A wise man can always be found alone. A weak man…
"A wise woman once said 'fuck this shit' and she lived happily ever after" is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images. The first version probably involved a…
"A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone" is a saying that has been printed on posters. The saying has been cited in print since at least 2006 and is of…
"A wise woman once said 'fuck this shit' and she lived happily ever after" is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images. The first version probably involved a…
"A wise woman once said 'fuck this shit' and she lived happily ever after" is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images. The first version probably involved a…
"A guy walks into a bar..." is a typical form of what has been called the "bar joke." One duck version is: "A woman and a duck walk into a bar. The bartender says,…
A pun about Fender guitars is: "A woman is accused of beating her husband half to death with his guitar collection. 'First offender?' asks the judge. 'No,' says the woman.…
A popular joke has a couple enter a restaurant. The wife appears to notice her ex-husband -- from seven years ago -- drinking at the bar. "That's crazy," says the new husband.…
"A [X] voting [Democrat/Republican] is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders" is a political saying that has been printed on many images. The KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) fast food…