Archive for 07/2021

“Alcohol is karaoke fuel”

Many people who can't sing look silly performing karaoke, and alcohol can help to fuel this. "Women drink vodka, rum, bourbon, tequila, why is whiskey a big deal? All good karaoke…

“Mi taco es mi taco”

"Mi taco es mi taco" ("my taco is my taco" in English) is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying is a variation on the familiar "mi casa es su casa"…

“Houston is an hour away from Houston”

"Houston is an hour away from Houston" is a popular saying for two reasons: (1) Houston is the largest city in the United States in total area, and (2) there is a lot of traffic. "It…

Palermo Pizza (Palermo Slice)

A "Palermo slice" (Palermo pizza) is a version of the Sicilian pizza slice that is sold at Famous Ben's Pizza and Krispy Pizza in the New York City area. The Palermo slice is a…

“Whiskey is karaoke fuel”

Many people who can't sing look silly performing karaoke, and alcohol can help to fuel this. "Women drink vodka, rum, bourbon, tequila, why is whiskey a big deal? All good karaoke…

“Vodka is karaoke fuel”

Many people who can't sing look silly performing karaoke, and alcohol can help to fuel this. "Women drink vodka, rum, bourbon, tequila, why is whiskey a big deal? All good karaoke…