“The only way to get ahead is to decapitate someone”
"To get ahead" should not be confused with "to get a head," but there are jokes. "To get ahead in this world, you'd probably have to decapitate someone" was…
"To get ahead" should not be confused with "to get a head," but there are jokes. "To get ahead in this world, you'd probably have to decapitate someone" was…
"Comedian" has nothing to do with a "median," but there are "co-median" jokes. "Statistical inference joke - why are two medians in a single data set funny?…
"Strong people don't eat helpless animals" is a vegan saying that has been printed on many images. "Strong people don't eat helpless animals" was posted on Twitter by…
A drive-thru restaurant has motorized diners. A food truck is a motorized restaurant. "A food truck is the opposite of a drive in restaurant" was posted on Twitter by kel! on August 20,…
"Vodka is vegan" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying became popular in the 2000s. "Thank god Grey Goose Vodka is vegan" was posted on Twitter by John…
"Comedian" has nothing to do with a "median," but there are "co-median" jokes. "Statistical inference joke - why are two medians in a single data set funny?…
"The older you get, the uglier you're willing to go out in public" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "The older you get, the uglier you’re willing to…
"The closest I get to a spa day is when the steam from the dishwasher smacks me in the face" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "So looks like the closest…
"If your personal choices have a victim, it is no longer a personal choice" is a vegan saying that has been printed on many images. "If your personal choices have a victim, it is no…
"Toiletry" is not "toilet tree" and "lavatory" is not "lavatree," but there are jokes. "Clara: 'where does toilet paper come from?' Me:…
"Chicken-Bacon-Ranch (dressing)" is a food combination that has been sold in Hot Pockets, Hunt Brothers pizza, Meijer pizza, Sam's Choice pizza, Stouffer's, Velveeta and other…
When someone goes to the bathroom to "take a dump," there is no actual "taking" -- except in jokes. "Went to the bathroom earlier and took a poo....not sure whose it was,…
Soccer ("football" in the UK) has its World Cup tournament. "Two flies were playing a game of football on a saucer., One called across to the other: George, he said. we'll have…
"Toiletry" is not "toilet tree" and "lavatory" is not "lavatree," but there are jokes. "Clara: 'where does toilet paper come from?' Me:…
A math riddle was posted on Twitter by Chad Topaz on October 6, 2020: Q: What do baby mathematicians drink?A: Formula. “What do you feed a baby parabola?"/"Quadratic formula" is an…
"Toiletry" is not "toilet tree" and "lavatory" is not "lavatree," but there are jokes. "Clara: 'where does toilet paper come from?' Me:…
"Just call me the little engine that said, 'OK, but I need some coffee first'" is a jocular work saying that has been printed on many images. The Little Engine That Could is an…
"No stone left unturned" is a popular idiom. "No tern left unstoned" is a spoonerism. "The professional punster leaves no phrase unturned as in the case of him who said of…
The expression "in the long run" means "over a long period of time" and does not usually refer to long runs, but there are jokes. A marathoner riddle is: Q: Why does someone who…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic caused many colleges to switch to remote learning. A riddle was posted on Reddit -- Jokes on October 7, 2020: Q: What is the most expensive video-streaming…