Archive for 09/2018

Saratoga: Peppermint Pig

Saratogo, New York, confectioner Mike Fitzgerald re-introduced the Christmas tradition of the "Peppermint Pig" since the 1990s. Supposedly, peppermint pigs first became a Saratoga…

Italian Hot Dog

The "Italian hot dog" was invented at Jimmy Buff's restaurant at 14th Avenue and 9th Street, Newark, New Jersey, that was opened in 1932 by James "Buff" Racioppi. The dish…

Parlor City (Cedar Rapids, Iowa nickname)

Binghamton, New York, has been called the "Parlor City (of the Southern Tier)" since 1873. "Parlor City" means a city that is refined, with beautiful homes, gardens and cultural…

“I came, I ate, I conquered”

"Veni, vidi, vici" is Latin for "I came, I saw, I conquered." "I came, I ate, I conquered" is a food version. "I CAME, I ATE, I CONQUERED" was published in a…

Oswego: Starch City (nickname)

The city of Oswego , New York, was known as the "Starch City" from 1848 to about the 1920s. The Oswego Starch Factory opened in 1848, and Oswego became the corn starch capital of the…

Binghamton: Bingo (nickname)

The city of Binghamton, New York, is sometimes nicknamed "Bingo." Most likely, the nickname is derived from the "bing" in the name "Binghamton." Binghamton had a…

Clown News Network (CNN nickname)

The Cable News Network (now called CNN) began in 1980 as the first all-news 24-hour television network. Some who ridicule CNN have called it the "Clown News Network." "CNN(clown news…