“Guns don’t kill people. The government does”

“Guns don’t kill people—people kill people” has been a popular pro-gun slogan since 1959. “Guns don’t kill people. The government does” is a pro-gun saying that has been printed on many images.
“Guns don’t kill people,—>Governments DO!” was posted on the newsgroup alt.test on March 8, 1995. “Guns don’t kill people, Governments kill people” was posted on the newsgroup alt.current-events.usa on July 26, 1997.
“Guns don’t kill people. The government does” was said by the character Dale Gribble on the animated sitcom King of the Hill, the episode “How to Fire a Rifle Without Really Trying” that originally aired on September 21, 1997.
Google Groups: alt.test
Ignore Test Ignore Test Ignore
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Stuka Pilot- fight, fight, fight, or die!

.—-XIV/LXXXVIII————————————————-Jeremy S. Peacock—-.
|  |\  \/ <> _ \|/ "Guns don't kill people,-->Governments DO!”
Google Groups: alt.current-events.usa
Guns don’t kill people, Governments kill people
Art Howell
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) writes: In the 20th century governments have killed more than 130,000,000 (million) people.
IMDb.com (The Internet Movie Database) 
King of the Hill (TV Series)
How to Fire a Rifle Without Really Trying (1997)

Dale Gribble: Guns don’t kill people, the government does.
Google Groups: alt.tv.king-of-hill
Season Premier
Johnny Lamar Rhyne
“Guns don’t kill people….The government does”-Dale
Google Groups: alt.skinheads
Guns don’t kill people, the government does!
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Remember, guns don’t kill people, the government DOES!
Google Groups: alt.war.civil.usa
people’s heritage, flags - symbols, respect, tolerence…
Dan Bennett
My contribution to bumper sticker culture is this:
“Guns don’t kill people, governments do.”
Geoff Hudik
Replying to @SteveAndrews
@SteveAndrews I like that better than “guns don’t kill people governments do”
9:43 PM - 18 Aug 2009
“Guns don’t kill people - governments do.” ~ Bumper Sticker #quote #politics #philosophy #question
2:45 PM - 26 Feb 2010
Houston )TX) Chronicle
The best ‘King of the Hill’ quotes that perfectly describe Texans
By Fernando Ramirez Published 9:40 pm CST, Friday, January 26, 2018
IMAGE 13 OF 54
Dale: “Guns don’t kill people, the government does.”
Guns don’t kill people.
The government does… https://www.facebook.com/SilvioAnjo/posts/10205093606615636
1:13 AM - 15 Sep 2018