Fat Apple (fat + Big Apple)
Hillary Clinton was a United States Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, but she wasn't born in New York and hadn't lived in New York long before she was elected to office. When…
Hillary Clinton was a United States Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, but she wasn't born in New York and hadn't lived in New York long before she was elected to office. When…
New York speech (or "New Yorkese") is, perhaps, not perfect English. "A person who speaks good English in New York sounds like a foreigner" is a popular quote from comedian…
Pennies are almost worthless, but are often used to pay the odd amounts after a sales tax is added. "Save up your pennies and the sales tax will take care of them" is a sales tax saying…
Pennies are almost worthless, but are often used to pay the odd amounts after a sales tax is added. "Save up your pennies and the sales tax will take care of them" is a sales tax saying…
The city of Minneapolis (MN) was dubbed "Murderapolis" (murder + Minneapolis) by some in the 1990s after an increase in crime. Mark Koscielski, a gun shop owner, sued Minneapolis for its…
"Where the elite meet to eat" was the slogan of Duffy's Tavern, an American radio situation comedy, airing from 1941 to 1951. "Where the elite meet (the) sleet" is a…
"The guy who said that the truth never hurts never had to fill out a form 1040" is a popular tax-day joke. "The guy who said that the truth never hurts never had to make out a 1040…
"For many are called, but few are chosen" is from the New Testament, Matthew 22:14. "Many are cold, but few are frozen" is a jocular variation or eggcorn" of the biblical…
"O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" is the famous last line of the first stanza of "The Star Spangled Banner," the national anthem of the United States.…
"Land of 2 seasons: Winter is coming, Winter is here" was cited with other "Minnesota slogans" in the newsgroup rec.humor in January 1990. The "Land of Two Seasons: Winter…
English television host David Frost (1939-2013) is frequently credit with this line: "Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you…
A jocular line about Uncle Sam appeared in Earl Wilson's syndicated entertainment column in January 1962: "'We wondered,' said Arnold Glasow, 'why Uncle Sam wore such a…
A jocular line about Uncle Sam appeared in Earl Wilson's syndicated entertainment column in January 1962: "'We wondered,' said Arnold Glasow, 'why Uncle Sam wore such a…
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" is an old saying. A variation is: "Taxpayer: A person who resents that death and taxes don't come in…
Wall Street. the financial center of the United States, originally had a wall, but it was removed by 1700. A joke about the name "Wall Street" circulated in newspapers in April 1924:…
"Minny" is an abbreviation of 'Minnesota." The term has been most frequently used in sports, especially in newspaper headlines. "'SHI' AND 'MINNY'…
"The reward for saving your money is being able to pay your taxes without borrowing" is a jocular line that's popular at tax time. "The master farmer is the farmer who can pay…
Many places have advertised themselves as a "Valley of Opportunity." Bitterroot Valley, in southwestern Montana, advertised that it was a "Valley of Opportunity" in 1907.…
Binghamton, in Broome County, New York, is called the "Carousel Capital of the World." George F. Johnson (1857-1948), a shoe manufacturer in the Triple Cities area, donated six carousels…
The city of Utica, in Oneida County, New York, saw its population decrease as industry moved out after 1950. However, refugees moved to the city in the 1980s and 1990s, boosting the population.…