Minnesota: “Land of the ski and home of the crazed”

“O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” is the famous last line of the first stanza of “The Star Spangled Banner,” the national anthem of the United States. “New England in Winter is the land of the ski and the home of the sprain” was cited in the Boston (MA) Daily Globe in 1940. “This (the United States—ed.) land of the ski, and the home of the brave” was cited in a 1942 sports story.
“Land of the ski and home of the crazed” was cited in a 1990 rec.humor newsgroup post on “Minnesota Slogans.” The “land of the ski” moniker has been infrequently used.
Wikipedia: The Star-Spangled Banner
“The Star-Spangled Banner” is the national anthem of the United States of America. The lyrics come from “Defence of Fort M’Henry”, a poem written on September 13, 1814 by the 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Baltimore Harbor during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812. Key was inspired by the large American flag, the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the American victory.
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
11 December 1940, Boston (MA) Daily Globe, “Editorial Points.” pg. 18, col. 2:
New England in Winter is the land of the ski and the home of the sprain.
25 January 1942, Sunday World-Herald (Omaha, NE), pg. 2-B, col. 3:
Tokle Endeavors to Enlist;
Irate at Term ‘Foreigner’

By Bob Considine
(International News Service Sports Writer.)
New York, Jan. 24 (INS)—This land of the ski, and the home of the brave, has become a haven for a lot of athletic men and women who have escaped the invader’s heel.
Google Groups: rec.humor
Minnesota Slogans
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Minnesota Slogans
1.  I came, I thawed, I transferred….
2.  Survive Minnesota and the rest of the World is easy.
3.  If you love Minnesota, raise your right ski.
4.  Minnesota - where visitors turn blue with envy.
5.  Save a Minnesotan - eat a mosquito.
6.  One day it’s warm, the rest of the year it’s cold.
7.  Minnesota - home of the blonde hair and blue ears.
8.  Minnesota - mosquito supplier to the free world.
9.  Minnesota - come fall in love with a loon.
10.  Land of many cultures - mostly throat.
11.  Where the elite meet sleet.
13.  Land of 2 seasons: Winter is coming, Winter is here.
14.  Minnesota - glove it or leave it.
15.  Minnesota - have you jump started your kid today?
16.  There are only 3 things you can grow in Minnesota: Colder, Older, & Fatter.
17.  Many are cold, but few are frozen.
18.  Why Minnesota? To protect Ontario from Iowa!
19.  WARNING: You are entering Minnesota, Please use an alternate route!
20.  Minnesota: theater of sneezes.
21.  Jack Frost must like Minnesota he spends half his life there.
22.  Land of 10,000 Petersons.
23.  Land of the ski and home of the crazed.
24.  Minnesota - home of the Mispi-Mispp-Missispp (Where the damn river starts!)
25.  10,000 lakes and no sharks!
Google Groups: rec.sport.football.pro
Welcome to Minnesota!
Shari Nelson
To all you Super Bowl fans coming to the great white north for the BIG game, I thought you might enjoy this:
            Minnesota. I came, I thawed, I
            transferred.  There are only 3 things you can grow in
            Minnesota—older, colder, fatter. Survive Minnesota and the
              rest is easy.  Jack Frost must like Minnesota—he
              spent 1/2 his life here.  You are entering Minnesota—
              use alternate route.  Land of 2 seasons—winter is
              coming and winter is here. 1 day is warm—the
              rest of the year it is cold.  Land of many
                cultures—mostly throat.  Why Minnesota?
                To protect Ontario from Iowa.  If you love
                  Minnesota raise your right ski.  Land
                  of the ski and home of the crazed.
                  Minnesota, have you jump-started
                  your kid?  Land of 10,000
                  Petersons. Minnesota—Home of
                blonde hair & blue ears.  Minnesota—
                come fall in love with a loon.
                  Minnesota—glove it or leave it.
                  Minnesota—closed for glacier repairs
                  Minnesota—theatre of sneezes.
                  Minnesota—mosquito supplier of the world.
                  Where the elite meet the sleet. Many are cold,
                  but few are frozen.  Save a Minnesota—eat a
                  mosquito.  Land of 10,000 lakes & no sharks!  In
                  Minnesota ducks don’t fly south—people do! ***
The Case Face
Minnesota: Land of the ski, home of the crazed.
9:04 AM - 12 Jul 2015