Archive for 02/2016

Brooklyn Boys (delirium tremens)

"Brooklyn boys" is 19th century slang for delirium tremens (DTs). The term has been cited in print since at least 1883 and the exact meaning is unknown, but it probably refers to…

Breakup Cake

A "breakup cake" is for couples breaking up, just as a wedding cake is for couples getting together in marriage. A breakup cake can contain a graphic display or just a simple message.…

“Where can I get scrod?” (joke)

"Scrod" is a fish and not the passive pluperfect subjunctive of the word "screwed," but there are jokes. A version of an old poem was printed in Time magazine in 1962:…

“Take it with a grin of salt”

To "take it with a grain of salt" means not to worry too much about something. 'Grin of salt" is a popular malaprop of "grain of salt." Baseball pitcher Bob Feller…