“Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist? He got off on a technicality”

Some accused criminals “get off on a technicality”—the charges might have been filed after the statute of limitations, for example. The accused criminals might have been guilty of the crimes, but they “got off.”
The satirical newspaper The Onion made a famous headline joke on May 20, 1998:
“Jurisprudence Fetishist Gets Off On Technicality.”
This became a popular joke on Twitter on February 1, 2010:
“Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist? He got off on a technicality.”
The Onion
Jurisprudence Fetishist Gets Off On Technicality
May 20, 1998
Google Groups: misc.writing
delurking and making a contribution
Hound of Cullen
Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist?
He got off on a technicality.
Google Groups: uk.media.radio.archers
Clarrieluv school of economics - the Great Wash
Robert Carnegie
But I hope, like the jurisprudence fetishist I read about in The Onion, to get off on a technicality - let them that have come in late read Deja News to find out what I’m on about.
Google Groups: alt.fan.robert-jordan
Squig’s Things-In-Common Game
David Scully
“Jurisprudence Fetishist Gets Off On A Technicality”
—Headline from The Onion
David Jackmanson
Stolen from @spanglegluppet - Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist? He got off on a technicality.
12:26 AM - 1 Feb 2010
Chance Felinae
@JetDWolf Did you hear about the legal fetishist that went to court?  He got off on a technicality!  *rimshot*
2:14 PM - 4 May 2011
Google Books
More One Liners,
Jokes and Gags

By Grant Tucker
London: The Robson Press
Pg. ?:
Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist? He got off on a technicality.
MONDAY, JUL 1, 2013 07:15 PM EDT
The 10 nerdiest jokes of all time
Courtesy of a Reddit thread, these will make you the toast of your next philosophy study group

10. And finally, a sex joke (kind of):
“Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist? He got off on technicality …”