Archive for 12/2013


Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: DreidelA dreidel (Yiddish: דרײדל dreydl plural: dreydlekh, Hebrew: סביבון‎ Sevivon) is a four-sided spinning top, played with during the Jewish…

Groath (growth)

"Groath" is a jocular spelling for "growth" that has been popularly used on the financial blog Zero Hedge. The spelling often mocks illusory "growth." "Moar…

Rubber Chicken Circuit

The "rubber chicken circuit" is the lecture circuit, where banquets are held that serve frequently unappetizing food. "The rubber chicken at hotel banquets" was cited in print…

Rubber Chicken

The 1940s term "rubber chicken circuit" described the poor food at banquets, but when an actual rubber chicken was made and sold by novelty stores is not exactly known. Loftus…

Foodstapo (food + Gestapo)

"Foodstapo" (food + Gestapo) means the "food police" -- a person or an organization that dictates food choices. The term "foodstapo" has been cited in print since at…

Mooshine (moo + moonshine)

Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized; the product is illegal in many states. "Moonshine" is the term for alcohol produced illicitly, and raw milk has been…