“Good players inspire themselves; great players inspire others”
“Good players inspire themselves; great players inspire others” is a popular sports saying of unknown authorship. The saying has been cited in print since at least 1990, when it was posted in the trainer’s room of an American professional football team.
Google Books
No Medals for Trying:
A Week in the life of a Pro Football Team
By Jerry Izenberg
New York, NY: Ivy Books
1991, ©1990
Pg. 217:
Then he walks the length of it to the trainer’s room, disappearing around the corner that bears a sign reading, Good Players Inspire Themselves, Great Players Inspire Others.
4 August 1994, Worcester (MA) Telegram & Gazette, “Matt Hopes to Split the Bahr”:
“One of them always said, ‘Good players inspire themselves, great players inspire others.’”
Google Books
Joe Montana’s Art and Magic of Quarterbacking:
The Secrets of the Game from One of the All-Time Best
By Joe Montana with Robert Weiner
New York, NY: Henry Holt
Pg. 93:
There’s a sign you sometimes see in football locker rooms. It says: “Good Players Inspire Themselves, Great Players Inspire Others.” In my mind, the same goes for quarterbacks — good, great, or otherwise. It’s not enough to be driven to succeed personally, you need to bring everyone else up with you.
Francine Allaire
DAILY DARE: DARE to Inspire Others ~ Good Players inspire themselves, great players inspire others! #dailydare http://fb.me/BREo2nuE
11:13 AM - 1 Sep 11
“Good players inspire themselves. GREAT PLAYERS inspire others.”
10:15 PM - 18 Oct 11
NFHS Coach Education
Good Players Inspire Themselves. Great Players Inspire Others. http://tumblr.com/Z8F5-wAsTgf0 #NFHSCoachEd
7:29 AM - 19 Oct 11
CrossFit 515
Athlete of the Month: Jordanne Beach
Posted on March 28, 2013 by Jaime
Favorite saying?
‘Good players inspire themselves. Great players inspire others.’ and ‘Pain today, strength tomorrow’