Bitcoinaire (bitcoin + billionaire/millionaire)

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that has had a highly volatile dollar value. Someone who is rich in bitcoin wealth is said to be a “bitcoinaire” (bitcoin + billionaire/millionaire). “Bitcoinaire” has been cited in print since at least June 2011.
The term “bitcoinaire” was popularized by the November 2013 BuzzFeed article “The 16 Most Important Bitcoinaires” and the December 2013 Zero Hedge post “Bitcoinaires Take To The Streets.”
Wikipedia: Bitcoin
Bitcoin is an open source peer-to-peer payment network and digital currency introduced in 2009 by pseudonymous developer “Satoshi Nakamoto”. Bitcoin has been called a cryptocurrency because it uses cryptography to secure funds. Transactions transfer bitcoins, the unit of currency, between Bitcoin addresses derived from cryptographic public keys. To spend the funds associated with an address, a user must broadcast a payment message digitally signed with the associated private key. Transactions are verified by a decentralized network of computers all over the world. Specialized computers use a proof-of-work system to prevent people from copying and spending the same bitcoin multiple times, a problem for digital currencies known as double-spending. The operators of these computers, known as “miners”, are rewarded with transaction fees and newly minted bitcoins.
Overclockers UK Forums—The Bitcoin Thread
11th Jun 2011, 11:01
so 1216 khash/s is pointless right? I was bored & tired so I let it run over night, this seems the average….not gonna become a bitcoinaire quickly am I?
Bitcoin Talk
Re: >432109 BTC sent to 1 address, block 130281
June 12, 2011, 08:40:49 PM
This is just anonymous bragging imo. An early adopter that wants to be on the top100 bitcoinaires list and decided to gather all his funds at the same adress.
Bitcoin Asia
bitcoinaires secret who struck real world richness
2:36 PM - 7 Apr 13
Ryan Godfrey
I bought some more. RT @PHLBizSonja I know a bitcoinaire who will be ruined. RT @counterparties: Bitcoin is crashing.
3:42 PM - 10 Apr 13
Mohamed Hussein
I want to be a Bitcoinaire RT @TheEconomist: What exactly is #Bitcoin, and how does it work?
12:48 PM - 12 Apr 13
The 16 Most Important Bitcoinaires
The cybercurrency is deliberately opaque, making it nearly impossible to track who holds it, but a few bitcoin owners have outed themselves proudly. Meet the known — and still-mysterious — bitcoin tycoons.

posted on November 19, 2013 at 5:32pm EST
Mariah Summers & Matthew Zeitlin
Bitcoin, the exclusive and elusive controversial cybercurrency is, by its very nature, mysterious. Holders of the currency, which just hit $900 in value yesterday and of which exist only 12 million, are only identifiable by their “brain wallet” number.
Zero Hedge
Bitcoinaires Take To The Streets
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/09/2013 13:19 -0500
While Newport Beach Lamborghini dealerships may be engaging in marketing gimmicks such as exchanging the ‘explosively volatile’ Bitcoins for Teslas; the true Bitcoinaires opt for something more internally combustible…