Archive for 12/2012

Dirt Tank

Entry in progress -- B.P. Google BooksThird Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Texas, 1891By Geological Survey of Texas (E. T. Dumble, State Geologist)Austin, TX: Henry Hutchings, State…

Taco Guts

"Taco guts" is another term for "taco filling" -- the stuff placed inside the taco shell. "Taco guts" has been cited in print since at least 2003, but has been used…

Butterfly Cut (cooking technique)

To "butterfly" a food (such as a steak) is to place it flat, cut it nearly in half starting from one side almost completely to the other, and to then open and spread the food out, as if…

“Chalk it up to experience”

"Chalk it all up to experience" is what is sometimes said after a loss. Chalk boards were used in sports to keep score, but it is not clear if the expression comes from sports.…