Archive for 10/2012

Sunshine Vitamin (Vitamin D nickname)

Vitamin D can be acquired through exposure to sunlight. The vitamin D nickname of the "sunshine vitamin" has been cited in print since at least 1927, when the nickname was used in…

Big Empty (Texas plains)

"The Big Empty" is the moniker that Jim W. Corder (1929-1998) called the Texas plains. In his book, Lost in West Texas (1988), Corder wrote: "The territory I love out there is not…

Parm (parmigiana)

"Parm" is a shortened form of "parmigiana." "Eggplant Parm." has been cited in print since at least 1968. 'Eggplant parm" (without the period) has been cited…

Terroirist (terroir + -ist)

"Terroir" is a popular wine term that is difficult to translate from the French, but means "soil" or "a sense of place." A French wine, for example, should exhibit…