Vitamin of Memory (Thiamine or Thiamin or Vitamin B1 nickname)

Vitamin B1 (tiamine or thiamin) is found in eggs, lean meats, nuts, legumes, peas and whole grains. Vitamin B1 has infrequently been called the “vitamin of memory” since at least 2011. Choline (a nutrient usually grouped with B-complex vitamins) has more frequently been called a similar nickname—the “memory vitamin.”

Other vitamin nicknames include
“Anti-Infective Vitamin” (Vitamin A), “Anti-Sterility Vitamin” (Vitamin E), “Anti-Stress Vitamin” (Vitamin B5), “Forgotten Vitamin” (Vitamin K), “Morale Vitamin” (Vitamin B1), “Sunshine Vitamin” (Vitamin D) and “Woman’s Vitamin” (Vitamin B6).
Wikipedia: Thiamine
Thiamine or thiamin or vitamin B1 ( /ˈθaɪ.əmɨn/ thy-ə-min), named as the “thio-vitamine” (“sulfur-containing vitamin”) is a water-soluble vitamin of the B complex. First named aneurin for the detrimental neurological effects if not present in the diet, it was eventually assigned the generic descriptor name vitamin B1. Its phosphate derivatives are involved in many cellular processes. The best-characterized form is thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), a coenzyme in the catabolism of sugars and amino acids. Thiamine is used in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In yeast, TPP is also required in the first step of alcoholic fermentation.
All living organisms use thiamine in their biochemistry, but it is synthesized only in bacteria, fungi, and plants. Animals must obtain it from their diet, and thus, for them, it is an essential nutrient. Insufficient intake in birds produces a characteristic polyneuritis. In mammals, deficiency results in Korsakoff’s syndrome, optic neuropathy, and a disease called beriberi that affects the peripheral nervous system (polyneuritis) and/or the cardiovascular system. Thiamine deficiency has a potentially fatal outcome if it remains untreated. In less severe cases, nonspecific signs include malaise, weight loss, irritability and confusion.
Vitamins and Minerals for Memory Loss
On July 2, 2011, in vitamins & minerals, by admin
Vitamin B1. Otherwise known as thiamin the vitamin of memory, vitamin B1 helps the body absorb glucose, which runs the brain. Studies have shown that low levels of thiamin result in lack of concentration. Vitamin B1 can be found in eggs, lean meats, legumes, nuts, peas and whole grains.
Best vitamins to improve memory
Written by admin on February 6, 2012
Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
Nicknamed “the vitamin of memory”, also helps with concentration. Additionally, it plays a part in the absorption of glucose, which is the quintessential brain food. B1 is found in lean meats, eggs, nuts, peas, legumes, and whole grains.