Archive for 05/2012

“A party in my tummy”

"Party in My Tummy" is a song that was on the August 20, 2007 premiere of the children's television show Yo Gabba Gabba! The song shows foods that the tummy loves, creating a party…

Rags to Riches

"Rags to riches" is an expression to describe someone who was poor (wearing "rags") and who has become rich. "Rags to riches" has been cited in print in 1875 amd 1878,…

Ostrich Economics

People who refuse to see what is happening are compared to the ostrich, an animal that -- according to the myth -- buries its head in the sand. "Ostrich economics" is a policy promoted by…

Standard American Diet (SAD)

Food authors have discussed the term "standard American diet" in print since at least the 1930s. The name "Standard American Diet" and its acronym "S.A.D." have been…