Archive for 05/2012

“Buckle up your guts”

Alan K. Simpson, a Wyoming U.S. senator from 1979-1997, co-chaired President Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform with Erskine Bowles (leading to the more familiar…

Gentleman’s C

The grade of "C" is often seen as a middling grade, earned by someone who gets by but does not excel. The term "gentleman's mark" for the grade "C" has been cited…

Czechxas (Czech + Texas)

Texas has long had a heritage of Czech immigrants. Foods, such as the kolache, are part of the Czech legacy in the state. The name "Czechxas" (Czech + Texas) has been put on T-shirts and…

Yes Man

A "yes-man" (or "yes man") is someone who always agrees with a boss and simply follows orders. The term was popularized by Freeman Tilden (1883-1980), who wrote "The…