Archive for 08/2010

Fusion Burger

A "fusion burger" (fusion cusine + hamburger) is a hamburger with unexpected ingredients added. For example, a "pizzaburger" is a fusion of "pizza" and…

Hindenburg Omen

The "Hindenburg Omen" is named after the Hindenburg passenger airship that burst into flames in 1937, killing 36 people. Jim Miekka, a blind mathematician and writer for the Sudbury Bull…

Ground Zero Mosque

In 2009, the Cordoba House (a proposed mosque and Islamic cultural center) was planned for the former Burlington Coat Factory building, two blocks away from "Ground Zero." Many people…

Little Armenia (Murray Hill)

"Little Armenia" was the area in Manhattan along Lexington Avenue, from East 20th Street to East 40th Street (called Murray Hill). "Little Armenia" is cited in print since at…

Potato Skin

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Potato skinsPotato skins are a snack food or appetizer. They are made of small, flat circular or oval pieces of potatoes with skin on one side and a…

Dumpster Diving (Dumpster Pool)

'Dumpster diving" has meant, since the early 1980s, to search through a dumpter for food or other items. What is "trash" to the person who throw the item into a dumpster might…

Crap Metro (Cap Metro nickname)

The Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("Cap Metro") has served Austin (the capital of Texas) since 1986. By at least 2000, "Cap Metro" has been derided as 'Crap…