Archive for 09/2009

Hash-House Greek

Entry in progress -- B.P. "hash house lingo" Google BooksCassell's Dictionary of Slang By Jonathon GreenLondon: Cassell2006Pg. 684:hash-house Greek n. [20C+](US) the jargon of US…

Lazy Susan

A "lazy Susan" is a rotating tray, placed upon a dining table for easy use in a diner's access to food (especially condiments). The name "lazy Susan" is cited from at least…

Roll with a Hole (bagel)

A bagel has been called a "roll with a hole" (or "roll with the hole") since at least 1944. The rhyming "roll-with-a-hole" made a newspaper headline by at least 1972.…

Cement Doughnut or Cement Donut (bagel)

Bagels used to be harder to chew than most of them are today. Comedian Milton Berle (1908-2002) claimed in 1985 that he told the first-ever bagel joke many years before when he called a bagel a…

Afterburners (Jalapeño Shrimp Poppers)

"Afterburners" (also called "jalapeño shrimp poppers") are jalapeño peppers stuffed with shrmp and wrapped with bacon, usually served with a spicy queso dip. "Jalapeño…


"Grillable" (or "grill-able," meaning a food that's able to be heated on a grill) is a word that's not in many dictionaries. A linguistic book published in 1974…