Archive for 09/2008

“As goes South Texas, so goes the U.S. crop”

South Texas contains some large agricultural areas. "As goes South Texas, so goes the U.S. crop" is said to be an old saying, indicating that South Texas is the bellwether for American…

Nookies (deep-fried chocolate chip cookies)

Deep-fried chocolate chip cookie dough was a hit at the 2007 State Fair of Texas, although deep-fried cookies had been served at other state fairs before this time. In 2008, Torchy's Tacos of…

Fan (sports enthusiast)

Entry in progress -- B.P. rooterfandom Wikipedia: Fan (person)A fan, aficionado or supporter is someone who has an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking of a sporting club, person, group of…

Texas T-Shirt (disposable toilet seat cover)

"Texas T-shirt" is a (usually paper) disposable toilet seat cover, often found in the bathrooms of gas stations and restaurants. The term is derogatory and probably did not originate in…

Frozen Margarita (cocktail)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: MargaritaThe Margarita is one of the most common tequila-based cocktails, made with tequila mixed with triple sec and lime or lemon juice, often served with…

Hot Dogs at Baseball Games

The exact date of when hot dogs were first sold at baseball games is not known. Some say that St. Louis Browns owner Chris von der Ahe (1851-1913) first served frankfurters at his St. Louis…