Texas T-Shirt (disposable toilet seat cover)

“Texas T-shirt” is a (usually paper) disposable toilet seat cover, often found in the bathrooms of gas stations and restaurants. The term is derogatory and probably did not originate in Texas.
Urban Dictionary
Texas t-shirt
An ass gasket. A paper toilet seat cover commonly found in public restrooms.
This expression has been common since at least the 1950s, and cold be older.
Mrs. Murphy put a Texas t-shirt onto the toilet seat in Hannigan’s Bar.
by Cap’n Bullmoose Apr 23, 2005
Urban Dictionary
ass gasket
A paper toilet seat cover.
Also called a Texas t-shirt or a Portagee pegnoir.
This expression was common in the 1950s, and long time before the Gallagher was born. It’s probably much older than that.
The fastidious Mrs. Feinman always uses an ass gasket in public commodes.
by Cap’n Bullmoose Apr 23, 2005
Urban Dictionary
Portagee pegnoir
An ass gasket. A Texas t-shirt. A paper toilet seat cover found in many public commodes.
From the gauzy, diaphenous appearance.
The expression has been around at least from the 1950s.
Charlie wore a Portagee pegnoir around his neck at the party.
by Cap’n Bullmoose Apr 23, 2005
21 December 1986, New York (NY) Times, “On Language” by William Safire, pg. SM6:
A Texas T-Shirt, reports Gregg A. Stacy of Webster, N.Y., is one of those disposable “seat bibs that are found in interstate roadside truckstop bathrooms.” (Texans take a lot of linguistic abuse.)
Jazz Corner
Mike Schwartz
April-11th-2008, 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by A. Kingstone
I’ve noticed a trend in mens washrooms of having some kind of a pull out ‘U’ shaped paper thing that I presume is placed on the toilet seat to protect ones bottom from the hellishness that is left on a toilet seat. I’ve noticed this at work in a really clean bathroom. I never use them. I glance, if there is something I don’t want to sit on I wipe it off.
Is my ass going to fall off from some horrendous plague that I’ve not been properly informed.
Do you subscribe to the “U” Shaped Germ Barrier?

It’s called a Texas ‘T’ Shirt!