MOPAC (Missouri-Pacific; Loop 1; More Packed; More Parked; SLOPAC; SLOWPAC)
MOPAC (also "MoPac" or "Loop 1") is a highway in west Austin. The highway was built along the Missouri Pacific Railroad, hence the "MOPAC" name. For those who've…
MOPAC (also "MoPac" or "Loop 1") is a highway in west Austin. The highway was built along the Missouri Pacific Railroad, hence the "MOPAC" name. For those who've…
"Jevver" ("did you ever?") is said to be a part of Texas speech. Indiana's Hoosier poet James Whitcomb Riley used "jevver" as early as the 1890s. Urban…
"Texas, One and Indivisible" has appeared on the reverse of the state seal of Texas since 1961. The phrase also appears in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas state flag (signed into…
The "Pledge of Allegiance" to the Texas state flag was made into law in 1933. In 2007, the words "one state under God" were added. Wikipedia: Flag of TexasPledge of allegiance…
In 2006 and 2007, several members of the University of Texas "Longhorns" football team were arrested (for illegal drugs and other offenses). The team nickname of "Longhorns" and…
"Four get" (like the word "forget") is a Texas A&M Aggie term that was used at the "chicken ranch" ("best little whorehouse in Texas") at La Grange that…
"Texas born, Texas bred, when I die, I'll be a Texan dead!" has appeared on T-shirts since at least the 1990s. A similar saying has applied to the University of North Carolina's…
"Turd Blossom" was a nickname for George W. Bush's adviser, Karl Rove. The term was popularized in 2001. A "turd blossom" is supposedly a Texas term for a flower that grows…
"Welcome to Texas. Beware of the Bull" has been quoted (since the 1950s) as being a sign near the Oklahoma border. 8 April 1958, Jefferson (Iowa) Bee, pg. 16, col. 2:A recent visitor in…
The Bowie knife is popularly named after the hero of the Alamo, James Bowie. Rezin Bowie (Jim's brother) has also taken credit for inventing the knife. The knife became commercially popular…
A Texas "longhorn speech" has been defined as one with two points far apart and a lot of bull in between. Dr. E. C. Barker, an American history professor at the University of Texas, might…
"Be always sure you're right -- then go ahead!" was the motto of Alamo hero David (Davy) Crockett. It appeared on the cover of his 1834 book and was widely quoted in the 19th…
"On the 8th day God created Texas" has been a T-shirt design since at least the early 1990s. > Designs > On the 8th Day God Created Texas Texas…
Parts of Texas historically have needed to conserve water; Texas is developing a new wine industry. The slogan "Conserve/Preserve Texas water -- Drink Texas wine" dates from at least the…
"Wronghorns" is what some people call the University of Texas Longhorns (especially if they lose a game). It's also what some people have called the Texas A&M Aggies. The context…
"Texas Stories Told Here...Some True" has appeared on items for purchase in Texas gift shops. See also "No Brag, Just Fact." T Shirts N Texas - Texas Signs N SayinsTexas…
"Texan Spoken Here" appeared as a sign in a Mexico City shop in 1955. It was later made into a bumper sticker. Zazzle.comTexan Spoken Here Poster 22 January 1955, Oneonta (NY) Star, pg.…
A "ten gallon hat" cannot hold ten gallons of water. The "gallon" term is said to come from the Spanish word galon, a decorative braid worn on the hat. "Gallon hats"…
"Knish Alley" is a name for the Jewish Lower East Side, specifically Second Avenue. It was also called the "Yiddish Rialto" because Yiddish actors performed there and ate at the…
"Thermopylae had her messenger of defeat, but the Alamo had none." The comparison of the events of the Alamo (1836) to the Battle of Thermopylae (480 B.C.) occurred as early as 1836. This…