Chicken Ranch (or, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas)
The La Grange, Texas "chicken ranch" was a house of prostitution since about the 1840s; it closed in 1973. The story was fictionalized into the 1978 Broadway musical and 1982 movie…
The La Grange, Texas "chicken ranch" was a house of prostitution since about the 1840s; it closed in 1973. The story was fictionalized into the 1978 Broadway musical and 1982 movie…
"Armadillo Droppings" is the name of a praline candy from the Armadillo Candy Co. Lammes Candies has "Choc'Adillos" made from almonds, but "Armadillo Droppings"…
"I'm from Texas. What country are you from?" has appeared on bumper stickers since the 1990s. Texas used to be a country; some people believe it still is. StickerZombie.comI'M…
There is no one drink recipe for "Texas Punch" that can be called standard. There exists also a "Lone Star Punch," made with Lone Star Beer. Cooks.comTEXAS PUNCH 4 c. sugar6 c.…
Lone Star Punch is an original concoction of Hill Country, a barbecue restaurant located on West 26th Street in New York City. Lone Star Punch contains Lone Star Beer and vodka, plus lemon juice…
World War II General George S. Patton is often quoted as saying: "Give me an army of West Point graduates, and I'll win a battle. Give me a handful of Texas Aggies, and I'll win a…