Alphebetical for "g"

“Guns Up” (Texas Tech)

"Guns Up" is the Texas Tech response to Hook 'em, Horns," the University of Texas hand gesture. Glenn Dippel (Texas Tech class of 1961) is credited with inventing and…

“Gym? I thought you said gin”

"Gym? I thought you said gin" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "I thought you said Gin not Gym - ha! that said I’d go with Sun and Gin everytime…

G-Slope (Gowanus + Park Slope)

For those who prefer to be in Park Slope and not really Gowanus, there's now "G-Slope." Not everyone likes "G-Slope" as a neighborhood nickname, perhaps because it reminds…

G-Town (Galveston nickname)

"G-Town" is a nickname for Galveston (both the city and the island). "G-Town" probably borrows from Houston's nickname of "H-Town," a hip-hop nickname from about…