Comexodus (Comex + exodus)
The COMEX is the market where commodities such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum are traded. In 2015, it was reported that COMEX doesn't have the physical metals that it trades in.…
The COMEX is the market where commodities such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum are traded. In 2015, it was reported that COMEX doesn't have the physical metals that it trades in.…
"Comfort food" has been described as simple, family food, usually easy to make. Chicken fried steak has been described as Texan "comfort food." The term "comfort food"…
Coming soon.
"Commercial Emporium" was perhaps New York City's first nickname. "Commercial Emporium" was applied even earlier than "Gotham." The commercial nickname was…
"Commiecrat" (commie + Democrat) is an epithet used by some on the political right who believe that the Democrat Party is so far to the left that it practices Communist policies. The term…
Silver has been called the "common man's (precious) metal" because it's a fraction of the cost of gold. The nickname "common man's metal" has been cited in print…
A "common sense caucus" is where politicians abandon hardline views and join together for common sense solutions, despite different party affiliations. "Common sense caucus" has…
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is a channel that is available on some cable systems in the United States. The CBC has been given the backronym (back acronym) of “Communist…
The Common Core State Standards Initiative (or "Common Core") is an educational program to teach common standards in United States schools. Critics have claimed that it teaches students…
Cable News Network (CNN) began in 1980 as the first all-news television channel. Some critics of CNN have claimed that the network has an anti-American, pro-globalist slant to the news. The…
Cable News Network (CNN) began in 1980 as the first all-news television channel. Some critics of CNN have claimed that the network has an anti-American, pro-globalist slant to the news. The…
"CERTs" are Community Emergency Response Teams. The teams are being expanded for each community board to protect New Yorkers from disaster situations. The Federal Emergency Management…
Richard Nixon (1913-1994), just before his appearance at the Republican National Convention at Chicago in July 1960, was called over to the Central Park East (Fifth Avenue) 14th floor apartment of…
Richard Nixon (1913-1994), just before his appearance at the Republican National Convention at Chicago in July 1960, was called over to the Central Park East (Fifth Avenue) 14th floor apartment of…
Compañero (female, "compañera") is Spanish for "companion" or "friend" or "pardner." The term is used in western films and literature. (Dictionary of…
Eating contests have been held in New York City since at least the 19th century. A pie-eating match was held in Brooklyn in in August 1886. Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is held at Coney…
CBS (the initials of the original name of the Columbia Broadcasting System) is an American broadcast television and radio network. "Complete Bull Shit" is an unflattering nickname based…
The term "compliancy theorist" was invented to be the opposite of a "conspiracy theorist." While a conspiracy theorist questions the system, a compliancy theorist accepts and…
The term "complicity theorist" -- the opposite of "conspiracy theorist" -- has been defined on a meme. The "complicity theorist" term had been only infrequently used…
Momofuku Milk Bar (various locations) trademarked the name "compost cookie" from November 15, 2008. The popular cookie contains potato chips, pretzels, butterscotch and chocolate chips,…