Colonel Sanchez (KFC/Colonel Sanders + Taco Bell)

Harland David Sanders (1890-1980), known as “Colonel Sanders,” founded Kentucky Fried Chicken (now KFC). Since at least 1993, the name “Colonel Sanders” has been called “Colonel Sanchez” along the Texas-Mexico border and in other Spanish-speaking areas.
The restaurant combination of KFC and Taco Bell has been called “Colonel Sanchez” since at least 2004. The restaurant combination of KFC + Taco Bell + Pizza Hut has been called “KenTacoHut” since at least 1992.
Wikipedia: Colonel Sanders
Harland David Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders (September 9, 1890 – December 16, 1980) was an American entrepreneur who founded Kentucky Fried Chicken. His image remains iconic in KFC promotions, and a foundation he established in his later years aids charities and funds scholarships with over a million dollars in grants a year.
Google Books
Folklore and Culture on the Texas-Mexican Border
By Américo Paredes and Richard Bauman
Austin, TX: CMAS Books, Center for Mexican American Studies, University of Texas at Austin
Pg. 42:
Young Anglos have combined the contemporary mock riddle with the well-known American institution of Colonel Sanders’ Kentucky Fried Chicken and the “Mexican greaser” stereotype, to produce the following:
Q. What is brown, greasy, and sells fried chicken?
A. Colonel Sanchez.
The Daily Ping
When Fast Food Restaurants Collide
DATE: Friday January 9, 2004—4:41:09 pm
We used to call the KFC/Taco Bell places “Cornel Sanchez”
Scorpions—The Official Forum
by fos daddy on January 18th, 2006, 1:54 am
TACO BELL.. hey they are now apart of KFC.. kentucky fried chicken….that means colonel saunders has changed his name to colonel sanchez
Google Books
Pacific Passages:
An anthology of surf writing

By Patrick Moser
Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaiʻi Press
Pg. 202:
After a quick snack at Colonel Sanchez’ Kentucky Fried Chicken De Mexico, we worried about Mexico’s bad reputation of mean country, intense heat, many rip-offs, crooked Federales, and wondered what we were getting into.
College Confidential
07-05-2008, 07:44 PM
2 soft tacos and 2 chicken strips from colonel sanchez ftw (the tacobell/kfc combined)
List of the Day
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Store Nicknames Of The Day
July 8, 2009 4:47 PM
Shirley said…
KFC/Taco Bell combo stores = Colonel Sanchez
I work at Taco Bell. AMA
submitted 11 months ago by MolePlayingRough
We have combination KFC Taco Bell here.
Ahh, the famed Colonel Sanchez.
Poor Mary learns what FB is all about in this epic first status post (
submitted 4 months ago by Friedchickenisha
I call the combination KCF/TB the “Colonel Sanchez”