“Breadsticks imply the existence of breadtrees”
Do sticks always imply the existence of trees? "The existence of bread sticks implies the existence of bread trees" was posted on Twitter by GlitchCat7 on August 24, 2018. "the…
Do sticks always imply the existence of trees? "The existence of bread sticks implies the existence of bread trees" was posted on Twitter by GlitchCat7 on August 24, 2018. "the…
It's often considered, in the theater and elsewhere, to be bad luck to wish someone "good luck." Instead, some people say, "Break a leg!" This appears to be from the German…
"Break up the Yankees!" was the public cry against the 1920s Babe Ruth Yankee teams that almost always won. 10 July 1927, Chicago Daily Tribune, pg. A4:The well wishers would have the…
"Breakdancing" has nothing do to with "breakfast" (often called "the most important meal of the day"), but there are jokes. "Breakdance is the most important…
The Waffle House and IHOP (International House of Pancakes) have been serving breakfast all day ("breakfast anytime") since the 1950s. Jack in the Box has served breakfast all day since…
Cereal has been described as "pet food for humans/people." "I just realised. Breakfast cereal is pet food for humans" was posted on Twitter by Jon Gomm on September 17, 2011.…
Cereal has been described as "pet food for humans/people." "I just realised. Breakfast cereal is pet food for humans" was posted on Twitter by Jon Gomm on September 17, 2011.…
The age of air travel making possible "breakfast in London and lunch in New York" was thought of as early as 1919. "You can have breakfast in London, lunch in New York and…
"The smell of grandmas breakfast is the best alarm clock" was posted on Twitter by KB on June 27, 2009. "The smell of breakfast is the best alarm clock :)" was posted on Twitter…
Breakfast is often called "the most important meal of the day." Many people drink alcohol the night before, making breakfast even more important. "RT @JimmerThatisAll: Breakfast is…
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is a common saying. Breakfast is the first meal of the day, providing fuel for the day's activities. The saying appears to have been…
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is an old saying. "Pizza is the most important meal of the day" is a popular variation. "'Pizza is the most important…
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is a popular saying. "Breakfast tacos are the most important meal of the day" is a taco variation. "ACL (Austin City…
"Breathing first, winning next" is a philosophy attributed to New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner (1930-2010). In May 2004, Steinbrenner told Parade Magazine, ""Winning…
"Breed the best to the best and hope for the best" is an old horse racing adage regarding breeding. "As the first and most potent principle of breeding is to breed the best to the…
"Brew. Enjoy. Empty. Repeat" is a "beer" backronym (back acronym) that has been printed on many images. "Are you a good H.O.S.T.? (Helping Others Stay Tipsy) Do you like…
Some homes are made of brick, so does that mean that brick is domesticated? "A brick is a domesticated rock" was posted on Twitter by Julie Resigned on November 3, 2013. "Bricks are…
Inflation (in food, rent and gas) has many people nostalgic. This was posted on Twitter by Maxmillion (the screen name was changed to "poverty baby") on August 16, 2021, and received over…
"Bring home the bacon" means that a wage earner (such as a husband) supports a family by bringing home money, food (not always "bacon"), etc. Someone who "brings home the…
American poet, writer and critic Mark Van Doren (1894-1982) was a professor of English at Columbia University for nearly 40 years, and taught many students who would later be famous writers. Van…