Alphebetical for "b"

Barbecue Sauce & Steak Sauce

No one knows when the first sauce was applied to barbecued meats. The first advertisement for commercially made barbecue sauce appears to be for Georgia Barbecue Sauce in 1909. "A1…


"Barbecuedom" is the realm or sphere of barbecue; there can be "Texas barbecuedom" and "Tennessee babecuedom." The word "barbecuedom" has been cited in print…

Barbecusation (barbecue + accusation)

Texas Monthly printed its 2013 Top 50 BBQ list in May 2013 and there was plenty of controversy about the selections. The Texas Monthly "Eat My Words" blog, on May 17, 2013, addressed the…

Barefoot Pilgrim

A "barefoot pilgrim" was, originally, an unsophisticated car buyer -- someone who buys a car at the advertised sticker price and pays too much. This meaning of "barefoot…

Bargain District (Orchard Street)

"Bargain District" is a modern promotional slogan for Orchard Street and the Lower East Side, but the area itself does have some history behind it. Wikipedia: Orchard Street…


"Barista" is the Italian word for "bartender." By at least 1964 (according to an English citation below), the "barista" was a person in an Italian coffee bar who…

Barnes Dance

Henry Barnes was the city's traffic commissioner in the 1960s. He was known for the traffic scramble called the "Barnes Dance" to help pedestrians cross the streets safely. His…


A "bartender" (also "bar-tender" or "bar tender") is someone who "tends" to or serves drinks at a "bar." Other names for this job include…