An etymological dictionary

Investigating the origins of American words, names, quotations and phrases. Over 38,000 entries.

Broadway Flip Sundae

Pete's Place is on 256 Third Avenue, at East 21st Street. On the wall is an old-time menu (I was told it's from the 1920s) of a former store at the same location called the Gramercy Sweet…

Home Run Apple

When a New York Mets baseball player hit a home run at Shea Stadium, a large "apple" located just beyond center field rose from inside a black hat. It was a gimmick that was started in…


"Broken Windows" is a theory of policing that says you go after the little things (e.g., "squeegee men") and it will help you take care of the big things (e.g., murder rate).…

MTA; MetroCard

The MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) has quickly been getting a bad reputation for high fares and poor service. This has created some uncomplimentary nicknames. "MetroCard" was…

“N.Y.C.” (1977)

The musical Annie (1977) was based on a comic strip about a little orphan girl. It was a great Broadway success and was later made into a big-budget (but unsuccessful) film. The most-remembered…


A "slumlord" (or "slum landlord") is the owner of a property in disrepair who lets to tenants. The term is American and dates after the Second World War (1945--). Our first…

Lush Worker

A "lush worker" is a pickpocket who preys on drunks. People who fall asleep in the subway often get pickpocketed, and the term "lush worker" has been applied to these…