Avenue of Heroes; Canyon of Heroes

New York City celebrates heroes.

There were many large "tickertape parades" before the 1940s, but "Avenue of Heroes" and "Canyon of Heroes" seem to both were popularized in the 1940s. Broadway, from the Battery to City Hall, was called the "Avenue of Heroes" in 1933. In 1942, Fifth Avenue, from 24th Street to 59th Street, displayed portraits of members of the armed forces in store windows in May 1942, becoming the new "Avenue of Heroes."

Broadway was given the new nickname of "Canyon of Heroes" in 1945.

21 July 1933, New York (NY) Herald Tribune, "City to Present Medal of Valor To Balbo Today," pg. 3, col. 5:
General Italo Bilbo and the principal officers of his aerial squadron will parade by automobile today over the familiar avenue of heroes between the Battery and City Hall.
(This is actually Broadway, the "Canyon of Heroes." -- ed.)

25 May 1942, New York (NY) Herald Tribune, pg. 14, col. 2 photo caption:
Mrs. Dorothy Draper, chairman of the United Service Organizations donations committee, and John S. Burke, president of B. Altman & Co., march the names of American heroes with the names of Fifth Avenue stores which will display the heroes' portraits starting May 29 when Fifth Avenue becomes an "Avenue of Heroes" from Thirty-fourth to Fifty-ninth Streets.

30 May 1942, New York (NY) Times, pg. 13:
Portraits of 103 War Figures
on Display in Windows
Fifth Avenue between Thirty-fourth and Fifty-ninth Streets became the "USO Avenue of Heroes" yesterday afternoon when portrait posters pf 103 war heroes went on display in shop windows as a tribute of the American people to the members of the nation's armed forces.

19 June 1945, Lowell (MA) Sun, pg. 1, col. 1:
An hour before the Eisenhower procession was due to move down Fifth avenue police estimated that a million and a half people had lined the famous avenue of heroes, forming a solid wall of humanity that stretched back nearly a block at some intersections/

12 January 1946, New York (NY) Herald Tribune, pg. 1, cols. 3-7 headline:
82nd Swings Up Avenue Of Heroes in Battle Regalia

21 July 1933, New York (NY) Herald Tribune, "City to Present Medal of Valor To Balbo Today," pg. 3, col. 5:
General Italo Bilbo and the principal officers of his aerial squadron will parade by automobile today over the familiar avenue of heroes between the Battery and City Hall.
(This is actually Broadway, the "Canyon of Heroes." -- ed.)

24 August 1945, New York (NY) Herald Tribune, "Throngs to See DeGaulle Here; Route Outlined," pg. 8, col. 4:
Arrangements ot permit New Yorkers to see General Charles de Gaulle when he tours the city on Monday were announced yesterday by Mayor F. H. La Guardia.

The city's welcome to the president of the Provisional Government of the French Republic will officially begin at 11:45 a. m. with the traditional trip up Broadway from the Battery to City Hall -- the skyscraper-lined "canyon of heroes."

14 September 1945, Bradford (PA) Era, pg. 4, cols. 5-6:
6 Millions Cheer Wainwright
In New York's Canyon of Heroes