An etymological dictionary

Investigating the origins of American words, names, quotations and phrases.

Mafia Cop

New York City detectives Stephen Caracappa and Louis Eppolito were accused in 2005 of also working for the Luchese crime family. They were quickly dubbed "Mafia cops" and were convicted…

NY1 (“just one guy”)

NY1 is New York City's all news network. The news network is known for low-cost production (although not lacking in youthful enthusiasm). Its one-man reporter/camera man on-the-scene reporting…

Almighty Dollar

Washington Irving (1783-1859) was America's first great writer, and he authored the great American expression "the almighty dollar." (Oxford English Dictionary)almighty, a.…

Push-in robbery

The "push-in" robbery commonly occurs when someone waits for an elderly person to open the apartment door, and then pushes that person in the apartment and robs it. The term…