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Medicaid Mill (or Medicare Mill)

A "Medicaid mill" is a health clinic that scams Medicare/Medicaid by running up health costs. The term was popular in the early 1970s. "Medicare mill" is used less often.…

Dormitory Row

"Dormitory Row" is Third Avenue, between St. Mark's Place and 14th Street. The entire area seems to be owned mostly by New York University. The website "Jossip" has called…

Pot Princess

The New York Post quickly dubbed Julie Diaco the "Pot Princess." She's the former NYU student who was convicted of selling drugs out of her dorm room. Her family paid for a very good…

Salugi (or Saloogie)

"Salugi" (or "saluggi" or "saloogie") was a New York children's game of "keep away" that was popular in the 1950s. The origin of the name is unknown.…

Carpet Gun

The "carpet gun" was a homemade toy gun, popular with children in East New York (Brooklyn) in the 1940s and 1950s. tp:// Gun: A homemade toy gun. Again,…