Monument District

The area around Stanton Street in the Lower East Side of Manhattan used to be a “Monument District.” The gravestone monument business used to be located there by the 1930s, but the trade disappeared in the late twentieth century. The name “monument district” was never official and not listed on any map.
New York Times
The Last Gravestone Business Standing
Published: November 24, 2006
Silver Monument Works’s trade is gravestones. Its sign, written in heavy black letters in English and Hebrew, juts out of the storefront at 125 Stanton Street, at the corner of Essex Street, next to Dulcinée Vintage Clothing and New York Hardcore Tattoos. It opened 60 years ago and is the only business of its kind still standing in what used to be New York’s monument district. In many ways, Silver Monument is a fitting memorial to the Lower East Side’s legendary past as a bustling Jewish enclave.