NYC Kidsfest
The "NYC Kidsfest" is a new annual event for kids. KidsFestSaturday, Jun 17, 200612:00 pm - 5:00 pmManhattan…
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The "NYC Kidsfest" is a new annual event for kids. KidsFestSaturday, Jun 17, 200612:00 pm - 5:00 pmManhattan…
"Pancakes in the Park" is a new festival with a catchy name. NYC ParksPancakes in the ParkSunday, Jun 25, 200611:00 am - 3:00 pmManhattan Come enjoy our old-fashioned pancake breakfast…
Bryant Park (behind the New York Public Library, at 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue) hold a Summer Film Festival each year of film classics, presented on a large screen.…
The Parks Department started "Adventures NYC" in 2005, with a second annual event in 2006.…
New York has an annual Italian Cheesse Festival on Mulberry Street. 17, 2006Sorrento Cheese FestivalThe annual cheese festival in Little Italy features…
A "black and white" is chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream, in a soda or a shake. 14 August 1927, New York Times, "The Ice Cream Habit Grows," pg. XX3:The business of…
The New York Asian Film Festival is a new annual film festival, with two different locations for showings. YORK ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2006June…
Former New York Stock Exchange head Richard Grasso received a $200 million pay package. It's been alleged that he received the large amount to look the other way at NYSE abuses. Ken Langone…
A "condop" has some of the features of a condo (condominium) and a co-op (cooperative). The term is somewhat new. Technically,…
The Coffee & Tea Festival at the Metropolitan Pavilion is another new food festival. Pavilion125 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011…
The Hip Hop Theater Festival is a new annual event. six years, the Hip-Hop Theater Festival (HHTF) has grown into one of the most influential outlets showcasing…
"Dunking" doughnuts became popular when New York City's own Eddie Cantor promoted the practice in his 1931 movie Palmy Days. The practice of dunking doughnuts in coffee was popular…
"By Hammer and Hand All Arts Do Stand" symbolizes the Mercantile Library. Its logo features an arm and hammer. The "by hammer and hand" slogan has been used in New York City…
The New School for Social Research was famous for its "University in Exile" during the 1930s. Many Jewish scholars, discarded by universities in Nazi Germany, came to New York City to…
The Hangman's Elm or Hanging Tree is the elm in the northwest corner of Washington Square Park. It's said to be over 300 years old. It is also said that several hangings occurred from…
V.I.M. started in Brooklyn and proudly declares its slogan: "The best jeans and sneaker stores in America." Its website say it's been around since 1977, but trademark records say…
"Triburbia" has become a new nickname for TriBeCa. has long been home to well-off families who wanted space and good…
It is sometimes (not often, thankfully) said that New York City is called "the Big Apple" because of Governor Peter Stuyvesant's apple tree. Actually, it was a pear tree. The tree is…
"Hudson River Crawl" was the name that swimmers of the Hudson River would apply to...well, I'll let them used their own words for it.…
Dairy Associates is located in Union, New Jersey. It bills itself as "The Greater New York Dairy" and produces several popular milk products.…